Application Class:
Instant messaging (QQ, Trade Manager, WeChat);
Network Download (Thunder, BT, Edonkey);
Network Video (Youtube, PPTV, Tencent Video, Ppstream, Youku, Sohu Video, Letv,
RSTP, Douyu, Storm web version, funsh, YY)
Office ( FTP, DNS, Http, NTP, NFS, DHCP, RTSP, IRC, Telnet, Stun, System Log, IPSEC,
Finance and other ( ICMP, Flush, DZH, Eastmoney)
Chapter 6 Flow Control
Flow Control mean Ethernet speed limit, to limit end users Ethernet speed;
Should add IP group first, then choose the limited mode.
Please note: Shared Mode: mean all users end this IP group share the downstream and
upstream Ethernet speed; Exclusive Mode mean each end users in this IP group get the
downstream and upstream.
Chapter 7 Security Center
In this part, including port mapping, IP Filter, Url Filter, MAC Filter, MAC Filter, DMZ
7.1 Port Mapping
Port forwarding: called port forwarding also, it an application of network address
translation(NAT) that redirects a communication request from one address and port
number combination to another while the packets are traversing a network gateway, such
as a router or firewall