Freestanding Model - The ash pan will have to be emptied periodically. The ash pan on the
free-standing model is located in the pedestal tower. It can be removed by turning the T-Bar
latch fully counter-clockwise. Then pull ash pan away from stove. Ash that accumulates around
the grate can be “dropped” into the ash pan without opening the firebox door. Simply pull open
the ash release slide plates (show in Figures 6 and 7) using the grate scraper tool provided.
Remove the ash pan as shown in (Figure 8). NOTE: Make sure to fully close the plates when
finished. Failure to close the ash release slide plates completely may cause the fuel to burn
poorly (due to reduced air flow through the grate, which may then cause pellets to "pile up"
in the grate.
Insert Model - There are two separate ash pans to empty on the insert model: (1) a small pan
directly beneath the burn grate, and (2) a larger pan that covers the left and right sides of the
firebox. Open the firebox door to access the ash pans. Scrape the accumulated ash into the ash
pans using the grate scraper tool, pay special attention to the grate itself. Next, remove the
center, smaller pan using the grate scraper tool (see Figure 9). Be sure to dump the ashes into a
non-combustible container. Return the small ash pan to the stove. Repeat this procedure for the
larger ash pan (see Figure 10). Close the firebox door and latch it.
Note: Dispose of the ash in accordance with the instructions found on page 2 of this manual!
Routine Cleaning & Maintenance (cont.)
(Figure 6) - Locating Ash
Release Slide Plates
(Figure 7) - Opening Ash
Release Slide Plates
(Figure 8) - Emptying Ash
Pan on Freestanding Stove
(Figure 9) - Emptying Small Ash Pan
on Insert Stove
(Figure 10) - Emptying upper Ash Pan
on Insert Stove
Ash Slides
In Fully
Closed Position
Ash Slides Fully Open
Ash drops through
these openings