pg 32
• This “quick save” method can be used for one specifi c setting change
ONLY (the last one made). To Save As Default” multiple option changes
from the Live Controls, after all changes are made, select Program, then
hold ENTER and press MENU, select Save As Default, and press ENTER.
• Bottle Cap Reject – Adjusts how aggressively the Discrimination rejects bottle caps and other unusual
alloyed iron that contains both ferrous (iron) and nonferrous (non-iron) mixes. Old Square nails for example.
• In any Discrimination search mode, Bottle Cap Reject adjusts the degree the audio breaks
up (sputters) regarding iron/steel type target signals. 20 is the most aggressive (offers the
greatest degree of break up on iron/steel. OFF provides the minimum degree of audio break
up (least degree of sputter on iron/steel. 1-20 offers increasing degrees of audio break up.
Caution must be used as in some ground types higher settings causes all target signals to
break up or sputter.
• Hot Rock Reject - Adjusts the degree a signal that appears to be a ground mineral abnormality (Hot Rock
at +95 VDI) is allowed to respond (beep).
• What is +95? A +95 can represent a hot rock, sometimes called a cold rock in
prospecting slang). This rock/iron can be above the ground balance point, referred
to as “Hot Rocks” or below the ground balance point often referred to as Cold Rocks.
“If the mineral response is different than the ground balance point, then that particular
signal response (target) is assigned the VDI # 95.”
“If the GB point is minus 92 and the hot rock, (target or signal response) is minus 94,
then that signal response is assigned VDI +95.”
These conditions can infl uence target response beyond normal discrimination ranges, sometimes referred
to as “wrap around”. Hence, when mineralized ground is upwardly infl uencing the VDI number, it may be benefi cial
to 95. The “wrap” control found in the frequency section of the expert menu is also helpful in identifying
these diffi cult targets.
• When OFF all VDI numbers (inc 95) are allowed to respond at their natural occurring
single strength, intensity, and VDI number.
• At a setting of -10, mineral anomalies are forced to the +95 VDI indication and artifi cially reduced
in intensity compared to all other VDI numbers.
• At a setting of 0, signals that appear to be mineral anomalies are forced to +95, and not changed
in their intensity.
• At a setting of +10, signals that appear to be mineral anomalies are forced to +95, and artifi cially
increased in their intensity. One would want to use +10 when searching for targets that indicate
like a mineral anomaly (such as stony meteorites), or very deep targets in very bad ground.
• If exc95 Hot Rock indications distract from identifying actual metals select a more
aggressive Hot Rock Reject level closer to -10.
Complete Guide to Spectra