U sing L au nd ry P rod u ct D isp ensers
A dd a m easured am ount of HE
detergent or dissolve detergent in w arm
w ater and pour into detergent tray. This tray holds 89 m L (3 oz.).
Do not overfill tray – adding too m uch detergent m ay cause
detergent to be dispensed into the w asher too early.
U se only High Efficiency detergents. The package
w ill be m arked “HE” or “High Efficiency.” Low -w ater w ashing
creates excessive sudsing w ith a regular non-HE detergent.
U sing regular detergent w ill likely result in longer cycle tim es and
reduced rinsing perform ance. It m ay also result in com ponent
failures and noticeable m old or m ildew . HE detergents are m ade
to produce the right am ount of suds for the best perform ance.
Follow the m anufacturer’s instructions to determ ine the am ount
of detergent to use.
U sin g O xi o r co lo r-safe b leach :
If using an O xi or color-safe bleach laundry boost product,
add to the bottom of the w asher basket before adding clothes.
H E L P F U L T IP :
S ee “W asher M aintenance” for inform ation
on recom m ended m ethod of cleaning w asher dispenser trays.
Ad d H E d eterg en t to d isp en ser
Ad d fab ric so ften er to d isp en ser
P our a m easured am ount of liquid fabric softener
into tray. A lw ays follow m anufacturer’s directions
for correct am ount of fabric softener based on your load size.
C lose dispenser draw er, then select Fabric S oftener option.
Fabric S oftener option m ust be selected to
ensure proper distribution at correct tim e in cycle. Do not overfill
or dilute. O verfilling dispenser w ill cause fabric softener to
im m ediately dispense into w asher.
If Extra R inse option is selected, fabric softener w ill be dispensed
into the last rinse.
It is norm al for a sm all am ount of w ater to rem ain in the dispenser
at the end of a cycle.
Ad d liq u id ch lo rin e b leach
to d isp en ser
Chlorine Bleach
Do not overfill, dilute, or use m ore than 250 m L (1 cup).
Do not use color-safe bleach or O xi products in the sam e
cycle w ith liquid chlorine bleach.
S tarting Y ou r W ash er
P ress P O WE R to tu rn o n w ash er
Fabric softener tray
Detergent tray
M ake sure the dispenser draw er is closed com pletely, then press
P O W ER to turn on the w asher.
Turn cycle knob to choose your w ash cycle. For m ore
inform ation, see “C ontrol P anel and Features.”
S elect cycle
Содержание Cabrio 6AWTW5550X
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