V ibration or O ff-B alance
First try the solutions suggested here for assistance and to possibly avoid a service call.
If yo u exp erien ce
P o ssib le C au ses
S o lu tio n
Feet m ay not be in contact w ith the
floor and locked.
Front and rear feet m ust be in firm contact w ith floor, and w asher
m ust be level to operate properly. Jam nuts m ust be tight
against the bottom of the cabinet.
C heck floor for flexing or sagging. If flooring is uneven, a 19 m m
(3/4") piece of plyw ood under your w asher w ill reduce sound.
S ee “Level the W asher” in “Installation Instructions.”
Load could be unbalanced.
Load dry item s in loose heaps evenly around basket w all.
A dding w et item s to w asher or adding m ore w ater to basket
could unbalance w asher.
W ash sm aller loads to reduce im balance.
U se B ulky Item s cycle for oversized, non-absorbent item s such
as com forters or poly-filled jackets.
S ee “C ycle G uide” and “U sing Your W asher” in this “U se and
C are G uide.”
Em pty pockets before w ashing. Loose item s such as coins
could fall betw een basket and tub or m ay block pum p.
It m ay be necessary to call for service to rem ove item s.
W asher not level.
W ater m ay splash off basket if w asher is not level.
Fill hoses not attached tightly.
Tighten fill-hose connection.
M ake sure all four fill hose flat w ashers are properly seated.
Drain hose connection
P ull drain hose from w asher cabinet and properly secure it to
drainpipe or laundry tub.
C heck household plum bing for leaks
or clogged sink or drain.
W ater can back up out of a clogged sink or drainpipe. C heck
all household plum bing for leaks (laundry tubs, drain pipe,
w ater pipes, and taps.)
Fill hose w ashers
N o ises
It is norm al to hear m etal item s on clothing such as m etal snaps,
buckles, or zippers touch against the stainless steel basket.
O bjects caught in w asher
drain system .
C licking or m etallic
G urgling or hum m ing
It is norm al to hear the pum p m aking a continuous hum m ing sound
w ith periodic gurgling or surging as final am ounts of w ater are
rem oved during the spin/drain cycles.
W asher m ay be draining w ater.
Water L eaks
C heck the follow ing for
proper installation:
Do not place tape over drain opening.
U nbalanced loading can cause basket to be out of alignm ent
and cause w ater to splash off tub. S ee “U sing Your W asher”
for loading instructions.
W asher not loaded properly.
C heck the follow ing for
proper installation or see
“U sing Your W asher”
N ot enough w ater
in w asher
Load not com pletely covered
in w ater.
This is norm al operation for an HE low -w ater w asher. The load
w ill not be com pletely underw ater. The w asher senses load sizes
and adds correct am ount of w ater for optim al cleaning. S ee
“W hat’s N ew under the Lid.”
Do not add m ore w ater to w asher. The added
w ater lifts the load off the w ashplate, resulting in less cleaning.
Wash er n o t p erfo rm in g as exp ected
W asher m ay not be level.
W asher not level.
W ater m ay splash off basket if w asher is not level.
Fill hoses not attached tightly.
Tighten fill-hose connection.
M ake sure all four fill hose flat w ashers are properly seated.
Drain hose connection
P ull drain hose from w asher cabinet and properly secure it to
drainpipe or laundry tub.
C heck household plum bing for leaks
or clogged sink or drain.
W ater can back up out of a clogged sink or drainpipe. C heck
all household plum bing for leaks (laundry tubs, drain pipe,
w ater pipes, and taps.)
Fill hose w ashers
V ibration or O ff-B alance
First try the solutions suggested here for assistance and to possibly avoid a service call.
If yo u exp erien ce
P o ssib le C au ses
S o lu tio n
Feet m ay not be in contact w ith the
floor and locked.
Front and rear feet m ust be in firm contact w ith floor, and w asher
m ust be level to operate properly. Jam nuts m ust be tight
against the bottom of the cabinet.
C heck floor for flexing or sagging. If flooring is uneven, a 19 m m
(3/4") piece of plyw ood under your w asher w ill reduce sound.
S ee “Level the W asher” in “Installation Instructions.”
Load could be unbalanced.
Load dry item s in loose heaps evenly around basket w all.
A dding w et item s to w asher or adding m ore w ater to basket
could unbalance w asher.
W ash sm aller loads to reduce im balance.
U se B ulky Item s cycle for oversized, non-absorbent item s such
as com forters or poly-filled jackets.
S ee “C ycle G uide” and “U sing Your W asher” in this “U se and
C are G uide.”
Em pty pockets before w ashing. Loose item s such as coins
could fall betw een basket and tub or m ay block pum p.
It m ay be necessary to call for service to rem ove item s.
N o ises
It is norm al to hear m etal item s on clothing such as m etal snaps,
buckles, or zippers touch against the stainless steel basket.
O bjects caught in w asher
drain system .
C licking or m etallic
G urgling or hum m ing
It is norm al to hear the pum p m aking a continuous hum m ing sound
w ith periodic gurgling or surging as final am ounts of w ater are
rem oved during the spin/drain cycles.
W asher m ay be draining w ater.
Water L eaks
C heck the follow ing for
proper installation:
Do not place tape over drain opening.
U nbalanced loading can cause basket to be out of alignm ent
and cause w ater to splash off tub. S ee “U sing Your W asher”
for loading instructions.
W asher not loaded properly.
C heck the follow ing for
proper installation or see
“U sing Your W asher”
N ot enough w ater
in w asher
Load not com pletely covered
in w ater.
This is norm al operation for an HE low -w ater w asher. The load
w ill not be com pletely underw ater. The w asher senses load sizes
and adds correct am ount of w ater for optim al cleaning. S ee
“W hat’s N ew under the Lid.”
Do not add m ore w ater to w asher. The added
w ater lifts the load off the w ashplate, resulting in less cleaning.
Wash er n o t p erfo rm in g as exp ected
W asher m ay not be level.
Содержание Cabrio 6AWTW5550X
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