1 2
Unloading the dishwasher
It is no rma l tha t the dis hwa she r is wet in sid e .
Empty th e low er ba ske t firs t a n d the n th e up per on e . Thi s wil l avo id water drip ping fro m th e up pe r bask et o nto
th e dis hes in th e lo wer on e .
The filter prevents larger remnants of food or other objects from getting inside the pump.
The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed.
The filter system consists of a coarse filter, a flat (Main filter)
And a microfilter(Fine filter).
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are pulverized by a
special jet on the lower spray arm and washed down to drain.
Larger items, such as pieces of bones or glass, that could block
the drain are trapped in the coarse filter. To remove the items
caught by the filter, gently squeeze the tap on the top of this
filter and lift it out.
This filter holds soil and food residues in the sump area and prevents
it from being redeposited on the dishes during the wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Filter assembly
Th e filter effic ie ntl y
Fo r best p erfo rman ce a nd re su lts, the f ilter mus t be clea n ed regular ly.
this re a son, it is recommen d ed to
re move th e larger fo od par ticle s tra ppe d in the filter a fte r each wash cy cle by rins ing the f ilter s u nder ru nning
water. To re mo ve t he f ilter device a s follows :
removes fo o d p arti cles from the was h water, allo wing it t o be recy cled d ur ing the c ycle .
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 2 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
Contrarotate the C
and then lift it up;
oarse filter
Lift the Main filter up
D o not disassemble the sump w ater flo w gui der(A) ,
a nd press the turbid imeter(B), o therw ise you 'll cre ate
a leak!
Th e dis hwa sh e r mu st n eve r be use d wi thou t the filters.
Imp ro p er r epla c em ent of th e fil ter m ay redu ce t he p erfo rma n ce leve l of the appl ianc e
an d da ma g e dis he s an d ute nsi ls.
Содержание ADP9000
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