For Electric Operation:
The Water Heater is equipped with twin 600W / 1200 W. immersion heater elements offering
operation at 600W or 1200W. Operate the right-hand rocker switch to the top position (
) to turn on one electric
element. To turn on both electric elements, operate the right-hand rocker switch to the bottom positon.
The electric elements will still operate if the appliance is in gas ignition lock-out.
Gas and Electric Operation:
For faster heating, the appliance can be operated with both gas and electric.
Switching Appliance Off:
Operate the left-hand gas switch to the top Off position (
) and the right-hand electric
rocker switch to the centre position (
). If the Water Heater is not going to be used for some time, isolate the gas
supply and drain water if there is a risk of freezing.
Option 2 - Whale Duo Control Panel
Fig. 30 Whale Duo Control Panel
For Gas Operation - Water Heater:
Press the Water Heater Function key until the ‘gas’ icon is illuminated. There
will be a pre-purge pause of approx. 5 seconds to allow any un-burnt gas to leave the flue and will extinguish when
the water is up to temperature. A green LED (Gas Lit - Water Heater) will light upon successful flame ignition. If there
is air in the gas supply line, it may take a few attempts for the gas to ignite. See Section 9 for gas lockout resetting. If
the ignition is not satisfactory, the red diagnostic LED will flash - refer to the Trouble Shooting Guide (see Section 9).
For Electric Operation - Water Heater:
The Water Heater is equipped with twin 600W / 1200 W immersion heater
elements offering operation at 600W or 1200W.
For 600W, press the Water Heater Function key until the ‘low power setting’ icon is illuminated.
For 1200W, press the Water Heater Function key until the ‘high power setting’ icon is illuminated.
The electric elements will still operate if the appliance is in gas ignition lock-out.
Gas and Electric Operation:
For faster heating, the appliance can be operated with both gas and electric.
Press the Water Heater Function key until the desired function is illuminated:-
For 600W and Gas, press the Water Heater Function key until the desired setting is illuminated.
For 1200W and Gas, press the Water Heater Function key until the desired setting is illuminated.
Switching Appliance Off:
Press the Water Heater Function key until ‘Off’ is illuminated.
General Safety Notes:
The operating pressure of the gas supply to the Water Heater
must be
28-30mBar Butane or
30mbar -37mbar Propane.
To clean and sterilise inside the Water Heater, use diluted sterilising fluid and fully rinse through with clean water
afterwards. The outside of the appliance should not normally require cleaning. If it does, isolate the electrical supplies
and wipe down with a soft, damp cloth only.
Do not
use abrasive cleaners. Allow to fully dry before reconnecting the
electrical supplies. If descaling of this appliance is required, this can be done using ‘Kettle Klear’ or an equivalent
product and fully rinse through with clean water afterwards.
The Whale® Water Heater
must be
checked periodically by a Whale® Authorised Service Engineer, or competent
person, at least annually. This
must be
completed according to the practice in the country where it is used and
according to the Whale® instructions. Whale recommends annual testing of gas soundness and combustion by an
accredited LPG gas engineer.
Temperature Control
Space Heater Function
Diagnostic LED - Space Heater
Gas Lit - Space Heater
Gas Lit- Water Heater
Water Heater Function
Diagnostic LED - Water Heater
Gas Icon