a misleading result. With chicken, please ensu-
re that the probe tip does not go through the
meat and into the hollow cavity in the centre.
Attention: If the oven is already hot, wear sui-
table protective covering on hands (e.g. oven
gloves) to prevent burns.
Close the oven door, jamming the metal
measuring wire in the door. Place the base unit
on your work surface, shelf or table near to the
Attention: Make sure that the base unit is not
positioned too closely to the oven or another
heat source which may be nearby (hob etc).
Also ensure that the measuring wire does not
come into contact with the heating coil in the
The current temperature is displayed as ‚CUR-
When the pre-set ‚TARGET TEMP‘ is reached,
you will hear a tone signal. To switch this
sound off, press one of the buttons on the
receiver unit.
Independent setting of temperature
The thermometer has numerous pre-settings
for cooking temperatures depending on the
type of meat to be cooked. As previously men-
tioned you may also set your own.
Press the ‚MODE‘ button for ca. 3 seconds. You
will hear a tone signal and the ‚TARGET TEMP‘
will flash.
Now use the ‚MIN‘ and ‚SEC‘ buttons to select
your desired temperature. ‚MIN‘ = higher ; ‚SEC‘
= lower.
To confirm this temperature press the ‚MODE‘
button again to set.
Timer / stopwatch
The thermometer also features a timer and
stopwatch function which both have a maxi-
mum set time of 99:59 min.
Timer and stopwatch may be used indepen-
dently of the thermometer function.