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InstallatIon and operatIon manual
2 rePlACINg The eleCTrONIC MOdUle
step 1:
Turn off the bus power and remove
the fieldbus connector and I/O connectors.
Remove the old electronic module from the
housing. Put aside screws, washers and other
accessories. See Figure 3.
step 2:
Replace the 2-pin fieldbus connector
with the new 3-pin connector. Make sure to
connect the grounding (J2 BuS pin #2) to
the grounding point inside the housing. The
grounding pin (J2 BuS pin #2) should not be
connected to the cable shield. The cable’s
shield should be cut short and taped to avoid
strains, contact with any metallic surface or
other wires. See Figure 4.
step 3:
Install the new electronic module in
the housing. Make sure to put back washers,
tighten all screws and reconnect I/O and
fieldbus connectors. See Figure 5.
step 4:
Energize the fieldbus (9-32 VDC) and
verify that all LEDs blink once. If there is
communication on the fieldbus the BuS LED
will start blinking at a rate around 1 Hz. If the
magnets as properly aligned OPEN or CLSD
LED should light on indicating the current
valve position.
FIguRE 3
Remove the old FPAC from the housing
FIguRE 4
Replace the old 2-pin fieldbus connector with new 3-pin connector
FIguRE 5
New electronic module installed with I/O connectors on