Packaged Air Cooled Water Chiller
Start Up
Procedure Check Points Yes No
Equipment Inspection: a. Unit damaged on arrival
b. Material received agrees with shipping
Setting Unit:
(Belt Drive Units)
Before Start-up:
After start-up:
a. Vibration isolator used
Spring isolator adjusted for equal height
c. If rubber in sheer isolators are used, is
unit levelled by shimming
a. Power wiring complete
b. Control wiring complete
Electric service adequate for load
d . P o w e r s o u r c e v o l t a g e c o r r e c t f o r
motor(s) used
e. Motor circuit has proper size fusetrons
f. System wired per diagram
g. All lead connections tight
h. Wiring complies with local codes
a. Piping complies with applicable codes
b. External piping independently supported
c. Chilled water lines insulated
a . A l l b e l t s a d j u s t e d a n d c h e c k e d f o r
b. All pulleys checked and adjusted for
proper pitch, tightness and alignment
a. Check compressor for proper oil level
b. Open compressor suction and discharge
service valves.
c. Open receiver liquid valve(s)
d. Open suction, oil and discharge valves
to pressure gauges (if supplied)
e. Check rotation of all fan and blower
f. All motors and bearings lubricated (Belt
Drive Units)
g. Start auxiliary equipment (Pumps. fans,
h. Is crankcase heater operating?
a. Check oil pressure. Is pressure at Mfg’s
b. Re-check oil level in crankcase
c. Check high pressure control