Document: DOK11093en01
Author: PM
Date: 2021-12-22
Page: 5 of 13
P.O. Box 133
Tel. +46 506 48000
Internet:: http://www.westerstrand.se
Fax. +46 50648051
Select melody
Press P 4-5 seconds: Melody mode opens. The STATUS LED flashes once / second and the MELODY LED
lights up. Briefly press -. Now melody no. 1 is played. To play the next song, press + once. Now melody no. 2 is
played and so on. The playback can be interrupted by a brief press on the P button.
To save a selection press P for at least 3 seconds.
To leave the menu without saving press – button for at least 3 seconds.
Select zone
Press 6-7 seconds: Zone mode opens. The STATUS LED flashes once / second and the ZONE LED lights up.
Briefly press P. Now the ZONE LED flashes once every 4 seconds to indicate zone 1.
Press P again. Now the LED flashes twice every 4 seconds to indicate zone 2.
To save a selection press P for at least 3 seconds.
To facilitate the control of receiving messages from the Master Clock, via air or wire, the STATUS LED flashes
twice each time the device has received an approved message.