S24 – Sleep Inactivity Timer
S24 sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will operate in normal mode with
no detected telephone line or DTE line activity before entering low-power sleep mode.
The timer is reset upon any DTE line or telephone line activity. If the S24 value is zero,
neither DTE line nor telephone inactivity will cause the modem to enter the sleep mode.
Range: 0–255 seconds
Default: 0
S25 – Delay To DTR
S25 sets the length of time that the modem will ignore DTR for taking the action specified
by &Dn. Its units are one hundredths of a second for other modes.
Range: 0–255 (0.01 seconds)
Default: 5
(0.05 seconds)
S29 – Flash Dial Modifier Time
S29 sets the length of time, in units of 10 ms, that the modem will go on-hook when it
encounters the flash (!) dial modifier in the dial string. The time can be limited as it is a
country dependent parameter.
Range: 0–255 10 ms intervals
Default: 0
(0 ms)
S30 – Disconnect Inactivity Timer
S30 sets the length of time, in tens of seconds, that the modem will stay online before dis-
connecting when no data is sent or received. In error-correction mode, any data transmitted
or received will reset the timer. In other modes, any data transmitted will reset the timer.
Range: 0–255 tens of seconds (0–2 550 seconds)
Default: 0
S31 – Bit Mapped Options Status
S31 indicates bit mapped options status.
Bit 0 Single line connect message enable/disable (\Vn)
0 = Messages controlled by S95, Wn and Vn (\V0) (
1 = Single line connect message (\V1)
Bit 1 Auto line speed detection (Nn)
0 = Disabled (N0)
1 = Enabled (N1) (
Bits 2–3 Error correction progress messages (Wn)
0 = DTE speed only (W0)
1 = Full reporting (W1) (
2 = DCE (line) speed only (W2)
Bits 4–5 Caller ID (#CID)
0 = Caller ID disabled (#CID=0) (
1 = Short (formatted) Caller ID enabled (#CID=1)
2 = Long (unformatted) Caller ID enabled (#CID=2)
Bits 6–7 Reserved (
= 11b)