Maximum handling capacity
* Bill cannot exceed Rs. 4 Crore
* Total days transaction cannot exceed Rs. 4 Crore
* Each item amount (i.e. quantity * item price) cannot go beyond
* Maximum item price is Rs.999999.99
* Maximum quantity is "999.999".
* Maximum cash balance entry Rs."9999999.99"
* Maximum entry for Rupees billing is "999999".
*Maximum stock entry of a item is 999999.999
Screen Saver Mode
When the poduct is idle for 30 Sec it goes to screen saver mode, display shows
Note: Current time, date and header will be displayed on the LCD
Power Saving Mode
When the product is in idle condition it goes to the power saving
mode after 180 sec.
After few seconds, Panel will display
21:21 16-Jul Fri
Scrolling Header
Battery Status
From menu, select “BATTERY STATUS ” option
(Refer Menu structure for more details).
Press ENTER to know the working mode (MAINS ON or BATTERY ON),
charging status
(Battery charging or charging stopped or charging terminated) and Battery
voltage in percentage.
BP20T/BP50T & BP 85T)
Please read the user manual before using the Product.
Ensure that the Neutral-Earth voltage is less than 3 Volts AC. Improper grounding may
lead to Power Adaptor & Logic Card failure.
For BP20T/BP50T & BP 85T only
Basic functions of calculator like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and
Division can be selected by
Note: • In calculator operation, negative sign related calculation cannot be done.
• In calculator, multiplication and division with respect to the multiplicand and
dividend should be less than 9999.99
Method-1 (Standard Calculator):
First enter the number then with “Menu” key we have to change the sign and enter
2 number and enter to get result or to continue further.
2 (Enter) + 2(Enter) x (Menu)10 =40 (Answer)
Press “Print” button to take print out of report.
Method-2 (Scientific Calculator):
First enter the number then with “Menu” key select the type of operation and then
enter 2 number and then press “Print” key for selection of sign and then print key
to proceed further or result use “Enter” key for final answer.
Eg: Purchase one chocolate of 2/- & two packets of shampoo worth 10/-.
2(Enter) + 2 (Print) (menu)x 10 = 22 (answer)
This will be useful for adding amount with quantity multiplied.
Press “Print” button to take print out of report.
5.0DO'S & DON'TS
• Type “0” and then press ENTER to enter into calculator mode,
• Panel will display