ING® PulseW
Manual no: W
WM070301 Page
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Страница 1: ...Power Sour ne Numbe Purchase f purchase SEWAVE GTAW rce r _ e _ ed _ E200 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ _ _ All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...
Страница 2: ...re for STICK welding 13 3 8 Electric service guide 13 3 9 Extension Welding Cable Selection Chart 14 SECTION 4 OPERATION 15 4 1 Panel layout and description 15 4 2 Parameter memory setting 22 4 3 Parameter lockout 22 4 4 Short circuit protection while welding 22 4 5 Operate with remote current control device connected 22 4 6 Operation TIG 23 4 7 Operation STICK 23 4 8 Welding Parameter selection c...
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Страница 5: ...Porteurs de distance Les porteurs doivent d ab de s approch l arc de gou ielding gas c essure If dama s cylinders are n sure to treat the Protect compre heat mechanic open flames sp Install cylinders a stationary s falling or tipping Keep cylinders electrical circui Never drape a Never allow a cylinder Never weld on will result Use only correc hoses and f application ma good condition Turn face aw...
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Страница 10: ...60 100 s sion ion KG MANUAL TION 3 ource spe Pu AC TIG 00 18V 20A 4 5 5 2 200A 18V 165A 16 6V 0 120A 14 8V Ma INST ecifications ulseWave20 AC STIC 160 200 28 31 5A 7 200 35 20 28V 60 16 26 6V 100 1 24 8V 20 to 40 to 48 x14 1 56 x27 Table 3 1 anual no W TALLAT s 00 CK D 0V 275V 60 1 8V 17 A 66 00A 40 65A V 60 20A V 100 0 68 IP23 H 40 4 F to 85 40 F to 4 x24 19x51 2 10 5 22 5lbs x28 22x101 18 40lbs ...
Страница 11: ...mm Thoria e red band Table arity to EP verse arity C EN aight arity C Ma TY CYCLE C n please see Back Cap 1 x 1 6mm 1 ozzle Alumina ode 1 8 3 2 ated Type re Table 3 2 Cable orch electro Connect to p output ter Connect to n output ter Table 3 3 anual no W CAN DAMAG PRO26 Pa 200A A 0 5 4 0 e separate to x Collet Body x Collet 1 8 a No5 1 x N 2mm Thoriat ed band and Cable Co To ode holder positive rm...
Страница 12: ... M DC weldi 208 230v i G UST CONNE NEGTIVE EQUENCY S ork piece as hose MANUAL ing conne nput Gauge ECTED WHEN START Ma ection diag Figure 3 1 anual no W gram M070301 Cyl T T Page1 linder Earth cla To main pow To gas regul Control ca 10 mp wer ator able All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 13: ...tch located cable to the torch must Refer to n 90º clockw ose to the pro Cylinder Valv clamp to you Ma dure for TI d in a stable in invert or s on the rear p positive outp connected Figure 2 6 ise oper shieldin ve to the fully ur work piece anual no W IG welding e position and side position panel to OF put terminal d to negat Insert torch g gas source y open positi e M070301 g d with good v FF and...
Страница 14: ... Wo OWNER S M welding co 208 230v i th clamp ork piece MANUAL onnection nput Powe Cord Ma diagram Figure 3 2 er To pow anual no W main wer Do not gas ga M070301 t connect auge Page1 12 Electrode holder All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 15: ...on proced d be installe oid transport itch located er earth cab holder earth guide MACHINE M LICABLE EL CORDEMEN RE CONFOR put A d fuse Ratin AWG Conductor Size in AWG Ma dure for ST d in a stable in invert or s on the rear p ble accordin clamp quick MUST BE CO LECTRICAL NT DE CETT RME AUX C 230 60 20 AC TIG ng 25 30 12 70 21M 12 Table 3 4 anual no W TICK weld e position and side position panel to...
Страница 16: ... C MANUAL ng Cable S USE SHO A gth t Ft Circuit is total Ma Selection C RTEST CAB 100 4 20mm2 4 20 mm2 3 30 mm2 l of both weld Table 3 5 anual no W Chart BLE POSSIB 1 Cable S 2 3 30 2 2 35 2 1 50 d cables and M070301 BLE 150 Size AWG 0 mm2 5 mm2 0 mm2 d earth cable Page1 200 3 30 mm2 1 50 mm2 1 0 60 mm s 14 2 2 m2 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...
Страница 17: ...6 SEWAVE200 Panel la 7 16 15 13 14 OWNER S M SE ayout and 2 MANUAL ECTION d descripti 8 Ma 4 OP ion Figure 4 1 9 anual no W ERATIO 10 M070301 ON 11 Page1 3 12 1 17 19 18 15 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 18: ...se the knob ht yellow TIG nate indicatin ply power at t s the yellow wer source o d TIG STICK e is within ac TICK t DC Apply tput AC Ap on TIG STIC ess both AC with HF arc ns according with lift arc s ns according Ma parameter v ring welding they are act the same tim the meter w ny time the f STICK uring welding isplay O e G STICK elect the par active to be a eter The par b to choose th G STICK ng...
Страница 19: ...ng slope dow When curre is turned off ectrode and 5s ose the shiel Ma when TIG w rol is connec nd finish cur If you want t o 0 Figure 4 2 enoid valve w 0 1 10s Afte arted The de put current s up time is 0 ain the weldin he output will wn period cu ent slope dow the gas valv work piece a d gas stops anual no W welding Defa cted to the we rent are cont to control the will open to s er purge air f ef...
Страница 20: ...ode and 5s ose the shie TIG ave These s p t3 se trigger Ma ong welding r Figure 4 3 ding power s witch only an power sourc ding enoid valve 0 1 10s Aft rted The def t start curren The output c t slope up tim his period th the welding orch trigger w eset finish cu pe down tim t finish curre will turn off bu the gas valv work piece a eld gas stops settings can b Gas on Welding current P anual no W r...
Страница 21: ...ted to the m for AC TIG default 40 900Hz defau ff ed in real tim default is 75 insures that Ma n used wave ol ditional AC po oise level in thin materia sion of squar ction meanwh ult 0 2s purg 170 for DC T ure a soft arc amount of tim 0 s amount of le set to 0 5 170 for DC 5s protect t be changed i 5 170 for DC ing current W machine this 5 170 for DC percenta ult off turn k me during we percentag ...
Страница 22: ...A defaul time When achine this c fault 30 a setting kic ce the tenden tion TIG ST ion TIG ST Ma penetration o ult 110Hz A gets wider A arc becomes me during we rcent above w en arc is initia total current lt 100A Us a remote cu control is the Percent abo cks in when y ncy of electro TICK ICK anual no W of the base m C frequency As AC freque s more focus lding welding curre ated It helps ses this s...
Страница 23: ... connec cable conne switch nlet TIG 5 MANUAL ol connectio On off to per Trigge Trigge ction TIG ection 8 18 right ha Ma on receptacl Figure 4 4 f switch orch R er switch er switch Table 4 1 and threads f anual no W e 12 pins Remote curr Potentiom Potentiomet Potentiom Trigger s Trigger s Short wi Short wi female conn M070301 TIG rent torch meters ter Wiper meters switch switch ith 11 ith 10 ection...
Страница 24: ...n Ma g ent paramete wn and releas r left will di 0 dial the rizing up to 1 procedures a n is active the current m ockwise from e lockout func without param WORD TH SET AND IT The voltage m o any operati h or foot ped again the cur ob until the v out function machine will r right will d hile weldin ablished if th 20A at with li e contaminat he work for m ent contro art no 0700 l receptacle a ces wh...
Страница 25: ... make urce Select Ma 30V POWE cts to negativ edal torch a rm and reliab TIG mode H value refer to nd descriptio eel welding um and its a broken Duri elts and pene plate TIG we e seam Pul t input in eac ncy need hi arge and de meter left w meters And d the voltage m adjust gas vo orch and kee direction Aim ctrode to wo slowly lift el ing seam along seam e as valve At th 230V POWE e output is m nect...
Страница 26: ... AND STA PPROVED R Taper of tungsten electrode 10 20 20 25 30 35 45 ter m Ma value refer to nd descriptio e striking a m too high If el ource and wa ion chart ommission of DE PRODUC ART FIRES U RESPIRATOR e Tungste electrod diamete mm 0 1 0 12 0 25 0 50 0 75 0 75 1 10 Table 4 2 Welding cu 20 6 44 8 60 10 anual no W o section 4 8 on Select us match lift ele lectrode stick all switch f the machin CE...
Страница 27: ...PULS SEWAVE200 2 3 4 OWNER S M 2 5 3 2 4 0 MANUAL Ma 80 12 100 1 140 1 Table 4 3 anual no W 20 50 80 M070301 Page2 23 25 24 26 25 27 25 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 28: ...w malfunc Cooling circu malfunc Cool fan f The st capacitor damag See No Work exce rate duty Input volta too high o low anual no W LE SHOO se ntact at ead p tion ntact witch ction fan it ction failure art of fan ged o 1 ess the circle age is r too U M070301 OTING So Check con Check con Replace Check swit nec Check Check fa nec Change Use under r Use under rat Page2 lution ntact situation ntact sit...
Страница 29: ...CB is accura Problem circu Input volta too lo Gas pres not eno anual no W mal n the rcuit ower PCB ty dary drive B ty y IGBT le D is en ting at not ate A th main it age is w ssure ugh M070301 Check and r circuit and d Check repa Check repa Check an Change Adjust potent he control PC and Imax fo Check contr PCB and I Use rated i Check ga Page2 repair the ma drive PCB P air or replace air or replace...
Страница 30: ...hort cir anual no W hose tion valve e C sage em s hose em C gger e circuit e ntactor g r poor ct rol rmer e short it n rmer rcuit M070301 Check gas Check and re va Check and r pas heck and rep Check g Replace c Check con Replace Replace t Check a Check a Page2 s connection place Soleno alve repair the ga ssage pair torch ca un trigger circuit board ntactor plug contactor transformer and replace an...
Страница 31: ...e and recep mach Poor conn between elec and weldin anual no W rol rmer rcuit valve rcuit fan rcuit 5 1 g se ble size rode holder e ct between arth cable ptacle at hine nection ctrode hold ng cable M070301 Check a Check a Check a S Choose the Choose electr Clean and con Clean Page2 and replace and replace and replace olution e right cable e the right siz rode holder d tighten all w nnections and ti...
Страница 32: ...nual no W ot installed leaking gas route d by air ble broken ontact broken or ontact ble too long l in the iece ip too far workpiece CB broken e between arger poles close t or poor act cuit board re tor failure M070301 Connect th and check in g Check t co Check t co Use prope Clean wo Reduce t abo Change H Adjust dis 0 Check Check and Check r Page3 e gas hose f possible lea gas route the cable and...
Страница 33: ... too high cuit failure ble size or t proper election is oper ce surface ted by oil t inside the n failure ctor failure citor failure trol failure M070301 Check r Check r Check r Cha Reduc Check r circ See See Clean t s Check r Chec Chec Chec Check re connectio Ampe pote Page3 repair replac repair replac repair replac anges gas ce pressure repair replac cuit board e table 2 3 Table 3 2 he workpiece...
Страница 34: ...de after G Ma Gas shield in Gas not Gas pre inadeq Table anual no W nadequate t pure essure uate 5 2 M070301 che Check if t torch and re tight a Increase Page3 ck nozzle there is wate epair Check all gas fitting e gas pressu 32 r in k and re All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 35: ... ion zzle when ne parts in the to and machine witches perly and if t the machine mal vibration ng operation are over hea ons are over cted firmly an cause bad properly n pped with w to choose p rds There sh mable explos cated at a sa othing away t be grounde light is enlig r heat and a ntil welder co d not work in Ma MAI eping the ma WITCH OFF 6 M orch to here is e noise ated nd B v tr C b ru Tabl...
Страница 36: ...ANUAL expose to s elder during w e machine an ode Size mm n 3 32 2 5 32 2 5 4 4 4 6 4 n 1 4 6 4 dapted with p M Ma un welding nd clean the Arc Curre Amperes Less than 60 160 160 250 250 550 Less than 50 150 150 500 permission o Miami Florida Table 6 2 anual no W dust inside ent s Min Prot Sh 60 0 0 50 0 of the Americ a M070301 nimum tective hade 7 8 10 11 8 8 10 can Welding Page3 Suggeste Shade No...
Страница 37: ...PULS SEWAVE200 0 OWNER S M MANUAL WELDKI M NOTES NG PulseW Manual no W S Wave200 WM070301 Page e35 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 38: ...ve module thermistor Rectifier brid Rectifier brid positioning c AC DC TIG2 invertor PCB POWER SU WITH HF P M 7 PA cription ch ame te DC full ntrol PCB ert IGBT dge dge cap 200 primary B AND UPPLY PCB CB Manual no W PARTS LI TIG 200A S 006RM WS 160 LIGHT C 25A 250 GT 2000 milling c AG1202 AC DC m Enhance base boa TIG 200A 7 800 01 STGW60 CWF4B1 length15 BR6010 φ13 5 7 Base board B WM070301 IST Not...
Страница 39: ...sink 6 heat sink 7 M display PCB utlet lar ection out plastic engyuan small high sensor insulation me separation w e re diode Manual no W B Base bo 25 15 m body gre needle TIG 200A S 006RM M12 1 5 WEIPU S SERIES CX58 35 thicknes 20 small BLY2 20 plastic i PCB with TIG 250 inductan 3 006RM TIG 200A cycle TIG 200A S 006RM HTS 419 PF 408 b TIG 200A S 006RM 60APU0 TIG 200A bar7 800 TIG 200A bar7 800 W...
Страница 40: ...module solenoid val solenoid val Power plug M 200 nvertor PCB nvert IGBT lve box lve Table 7 1 Manual no W TIG 200A bar7 800 Base board B TIG 200A bar7 800 TIG 200A bar7 800 FGA180 enhance model Y pressure input DC US XN6 WM070301 AC DC secti 0 014 067RM 285 AC DC secti 0 014 AC DC secti 0 014 0N33ATD ed nylon YG2T 2 work e 0 0 8MPa C24V gas inl 50P Page on D on on letφ6 e38 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 All ma...
Страница 41: ...PULS SEWAVE200 0 OWNER S M MANUAL M Figure 7 1 Manual no W WM070301 Page e39 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...
Страница 42: ... ns insulator u or large diam head flexible head include ap O ring ap long ap short ntary switch k MANUAL o 07002610 DESCRIPT bby collet bod use with 18C meter gas len cup gasket kit default M Figure 7 2 TION dy CG ns use with 1 Manual no W 8CG WM070301 O 18CG 18CG20 54N01 54N63 PRO26 PRO26 98W18 PRO57Y PRO57Y PRO1M Page ORDER NO 0 FX Y02 Y04 MS e40 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 43: ...32 ndard collet ndard ceram MANUAL 8m 26ft e large ck nut m 2 6ft sembly x8m 2m 23 6ft kit DE S 0 5mm bore 1 0mm bore 6mm bore 2 4mm bore 2mm bore 4 0mm bore Sta Φ 3 2mm b 20 Φ 0 5mm 40 Φ 1 0mm 6 Φ 1 6mm 2 Φ 2 4mm body 5 32 Φ Stan mic cup 1 4 M 26ft Table 7 2 ESCRIPTION Standard col e e ndard collet bore m bore m bore bore bore Φ 4mm bore ndard cerami Φ 6mm bore Manual no W N let body ic cup e WM0...
Страница 44: ... 0m 16 Φ 1 6m 32 Φ 2 4m 8 Φ 3 2mm Stu ody 0 020 1 Stubby s mic cup 1 4 mic cup 5 16 mic cup 3 8 mic cup 7 16 mic cup 1 2 mic cup 5 8 G 0 020 Φ 0 5 M Φ 8mm bor Φ 10mm bor Φ 13mm bor Φ 16mm bor Φ 19mm bor Φ 6mm bore ard long cera 8mm bore 0mm bore 11mm bore ubby series c mm bore mm bore mm bore mm bore m bore ubby collet b 8 Φ0 5mm standard cer Φ 6mm bore Φ 8mm bor Φ 10mm bor Φ 11mm bo Φ 13mm bor Φ ...
Страница 45: ...m 3 32 Φ 2 4m 8 Φ 3 2mm ens cup 1 4 ens cup 5 16 ens cup 3 8 ens cup 7 16 ens cup 1 2 ens cup 11 16 cup 5 16 Φ cup 3 8 Φ 1 cup 7 16 Φ dy ens body 1 1 ens body 3 3 ens body 1 8 gas lens cup gas lens cup gas lens cup gas lens cup M 0mm bore mm bore mm bore m bore Φ6mm bore Φ8mm bor Φ10mm bor Φ11mm bo Φ13mm bor 6 Φ17mm b 8mm bore 0mm bore 11mm bore 6 Φ1 6mm 32 Φ2 4mm 8 Φ3 2mm b p 1 2 Φ15m p 3 8 Φ10m ...
Страница 46: ...PULS SEWAVE200 0 OWNER S M MANUAL N WELDKI M NOTES ING PulseW Manual no W S Wave200 WM070301 Page e44 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...
Страница 47: ...PULS SEWAVE200 0 OWNER S M SECTIO MANUAL ON 8 M ELECT Figure 8 1 Manual no W TRIC DIA WM070301 AGRAM Page e45 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 48: ...PULS SEWAVE200 0 OWNER S M MANUAL M Figure 8 2 Manual no W WM070301 Page e46 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 49: ... P IN P A A R R O P O C W PA AL P D LT If fo an pr be co To pr pr W pu de al Au ne se pl w fro Manual no RANTY P d Warran ision at Ap ND PERSONS SE AND M UTTING EQUI n the event of a he exclusive re td WELDKING r where autho td WELDKING easonable cost ervice station o rice less reaso pon return of t o compensatio f any kind will b IMITATION O EPLACEMENT OODS SHALL NY WARRA RODUCTS LT R IMPLIED I R...
Страница 50: ...weldki ANUAL 10 AU te www we Ltd will n d party and anty cente ing com UTHORI eldking co not distrib d will not er at m servic Manual IZED SE om to fill th bute of dis sent prom celocati no WM070 RVICE C he warran sclose cus motion ma ons asp 0301 CENTER ty registra stomer s p terial to th px Page48 ation form private he m All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Страница 51: ...te OWNER S MA O WELDIN Amber Street 1 866 686 1 866 686 weldking co d July 16 2 ANUAL NG PRODU t Unit 10 M 5088 5090 om 014 UCTS LTD Markham ON D N L3R 3J7 Manu ual no WM0 070301 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...