3.7.2 Print Header Format
Three different selections are available with respect to a print header:
Print Header = TM 262; Print Header = Off; or Print Header = Custom.
Print Header = TM 262 is the default setting for this feature.
* Prn Header TM 262
* Prn Header Off
* Prn Header Custom
Each time the PRINT SCREEN or PRINT ALL button is chosen,
the printout will begin with the label—Welch Allyn TM 262.
To deselect the Welch Allyn header and select No Header or a Custom
Header, use a similar procedure to that described above. With the Hz
or Hz button, position the square cursor in front of the desired
new setting and press SAVE to select it as the new default setting.
The word SAVED appears in the lower right margin.
If the custom header is selected, a line cursor will begin to flash at the
left-hand margin below the words Prn Header Custom. To “type” in the
desired header use the dB HL knob. To sequence forward through the
character set, rotate the knob in a clockwise direction. To sequence in
reverse, rotate the knob in a counter-clockwise direction. The available
character set is: A - Z; 0 - 9; and a blank space. The blank space can
be used to erase an unwanted letter or number. A total of 35 character
spaces are available. Please note, if you wish the header to be cen-
tered, it will be necessary to consider the length of the name to be in-
serted and calculate from the left margin where you want the header to
begin. Otherwise, if you begin to enter the characters for the header
from the left margin, the header will be printed from the left margin on
the printout.
To move the cursor from the left-hand margin without inserting a letter
or a number, select the character which represents a space (i.e., rotate
the knob one position to left of the letter A). Use the Hz button to
move over to the next character position. Repeat this sequence until
the cursor is moved over to the desired start position for the first char-
acter to appear in your header. Rotate the dB HL knob to select the
appropriate characters to spell out the desired header. After selecting
each character, use the Hz button to move over to the next char-
acter position. Once all of the header characters have been added,
TM 262