Pocket ECG User - Manual
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The workspace is the core part of Welch Allyn Cardio Perfect. It displays the
ECG in various formats. These formats, that are also called views, are each
displayed on a separate tab in the Welch Allyn Cardio Perfect workspace. The
workspace is the place where you view and measure ECGs.
Parameters area
The parameters area contains some details of the ECG, such as the age and
the heart rate of the patient, and the global measurements for the ECG (P
duration, QRS duration, PQ duration, QT duration, corrected QT duration, P-
axis, QRS-axis, T-axis and QTd or JTd duration).
Interpretation area
The Interpretation area contains the interpretation, entered by the physician. It
displays whether the interpretation has been confirmed yet, any age
corrections that have been made and the interpretation.
If installed Means will provide an unconfirmed interpretation in this area after
the selected ECG file is reanalyzed. For further information about the optional
Means interpretation please refer to the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect resting
ECG module User manual.
Shortcut menu
In the workspace, you can use shortcut menus to access the most common
tasks. You can access these tasks by clicking on the workspace with your right
mouse button.
Status bar
The status bar shows important information about the patient and test that are
currently selected, such as patient name and number and the recording date
and time of the test. Additionally, the status bar displays the name of the user
that is currently logged on to Welch Allyn Cardio Perfect.
To update the view click on the refresh button.
The connected symbol gives the status of the connection. When connected
you can transfer files directly to and from your Pocket PC
To view the files from your Pocket PC on a PC:
1. Transfer the files to a PC containing the Workstation software, see previous
2. Open the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation program
3. Select the Pocket PC tab
Note: If you switch between languages please restart the Workstation software
after selecting the preferred language.
4. Select the file you want to view, the Pocket PC files are indicated with:
5. Select
tab and click on
6. The selected file is shown in the Workspace, if not all views are available
form the CPWS Toolbar and select
For further help on viewing options please refer to the chapter on Viewing
ECGs in the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation Resting ECG Module
User Manual.