Installation and operating instructions
Communication module WCM-COM 1.0 home
7 Operation
83279302 ▪ 2/2012-12 ▪ Mot
Division and mechanism of operation
Operation is exclusively via web browser and associated operating mechanism. The
temperature, process values or adjustable parameters are generally divided as follows:
Process value: non editable temperatures or conditions
editable user defaults or setpoint values
editable parameters, in-depth knowledge required
Alterations are entered on the user and expert pages.
A premature page change discards any changes entered.
Confirmation is only given by clicking the “Apply” button.
The user entries are checked in the relevant control unit.
Settings (poss. adapted to the value range) will be reloaded.
The following table shows the different components of the operation:
Display in browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8)
Checkbox for status display
cannot be edited
Checkbox for selecting several options,
can be edited
Checkbox to select one option
can be edited
Display of current process value
cannot be edited
Display of last process value. Failed to read,
cannot be edited
Display of parameter can be edited,
decimal separator: Point
Display of default selection list
can be edited
Parameters or process values not available
due to system configuration
Failed to read, reselect page
Button to apply settings made on the website
Display of remaining vacant positions in Data
Logger and monitoring
Page call-up
When calling up the page in the browser, the default value or “N/A” is initially entered into
the fields. One by one the parameters requested in blocks or individually are shown,
which means a short delay until the page is completely loaded and operable.