Part number 550-100-090/0809
Boiler Manual
Multiple boiler water piping
Legend — Figure 63
1 Flow/check valve (each boiler)
2 Isolation valves (when used)
3 Caps
4 Easy-Fit® Manifold (supply) — layout and size per page 56
5 Easy-Fit® Manifold (return) — layout and size per page 56
6 Primary circulator
7 Expansion tank (diaphragm type)
8 System air eliminator
9 System automatic air vent
13 Cold water supply
17 Boiler circulator (each boiler)
18 System supply
19 System return
20 Boiler relief valve and discharge piping, installed per Ultra Boiler Manual
21 Indirect-fired storage water heaters (Weil-McLain PLUS Line shown) —
Example is shown connected to one boiler of the system. Preferably, use
the last boiler in the lead/lag sequence and set its Priority to
DHW Direct
so it will switch to DHW firing and turn off its boiler circulator on a call
for domestic water heating.
24 DHW boiler-side circulator
30 Strap system supply and return sensors to lines as shown, at least 6 pipe
diameters (but no more than 3 feet) from boiler connection tees.
Piping layout — typical piping for multiple Ultra boilers, using Weil-McLain Easy-Fit manifolds (2-boiler system)
Figure 63