Part number 550-100-090/0809
Boiler Manual
Startup — fill the system
Freeze protection (when used)
Follow these guidelines to prevent pos-
sibility of severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage:
NEVER use automotive or standard
glycol antifreeze
even glycol made
for hydronic systems
. Use only
freeze-prevention fluids recommended
by Weil-McLain for application in Ultra
Boiler systems.
Thoroughly flush any system that
has used glycol
before installing the
new Ultra boiler.
Review the material safety data
sheet (MSDS)
for the fluid used with
the boiler owner and leave a copy for
reference. The MSDS contains informa-
tion on potential hazards and first aid
procedures for exposure or ingestion.
Check antifreeze inhibitor level at
least annually
. Glycol concentration
and inhibitor levels may change over
time. Add antifreeze to increase con-
centration if necessary. Add inhibitor
as needed to bring to acceptable level,
using inhibitor test kit to verify.
When using freeze protection fluid with
automatic fill,
install a water meter to
monitor water make-up
. Freeze pro-
tection fluid may leak before the water
begins to leak, causing concentration
to drop, reducing the freeze protection
DO NOT exceed 50% antifreeze
by volume
. Antifreeze moves more
sluggishly than water and can interfere
with heat transfer. At antifreeze concen-
trations higher than 50%, sludge can
develop in the boiler, potentially causing
damage to the heat exchanger.
Clean the system before filling
Always drain and flush the system
thoroughly before filling with antifreeze.
Sludge, iron oxide deposits and other
sediment in the system inhibit flow and
can cause rapid breakdown of inhibi-
Use only antifreeze recommended by
Weil-McLain provides information for
application of the antifreeze products
listed in this document only for use in
Weil-McLain Ultra boilers. Do not apply
these products or instructions for other
applications. Local codes may require a
backflow preventer or actual disconnec-
tion from city water supply.
Check/verify water chemistry
The system may have residual substances that could affect water
After the system has been filled and leak tested, verify water pH and
chlorine concentrations are acceptable.
Verify antifreeze concentration, when used.
Follow the instructions on the Sentinel test kit to sample the system
water and verify inhibitor concentration.
Check inhibitor concentration annually
Test the pH of a sample of system water at least annually. The pH of
the water mixture must be between 7.0 and 8.5. (Or use the Sentinel
inhibitor test kit to check concentration.)
If pH is outside this range (or inhibitor test kit indicates low level), the
inhibitor level may not be sufficient to prevent corrosion.
Test antifreeze concentration.
Test antifreeze concentration at least annually. If concentra-
tion is low, add antifreeze or drain system and refill with
correct mixture.
Follow instructions on antifreeze container to determine the amount
of antifreeze needed.
exceed 50% by volume concentration
of antifreeze.
Check inhibitor level after adjustments are made.
Purge air from water system
Connect a hose to the purge valve (see purge/drain valves, item 11, in
piping diagrams beginning on page 12 and page 48. Route hose to an
area where water can drain and be seen.
Close the boiler or system isolation valve between the purge valve and
fill connection to the system.
Close zone isolation valves.
Open quick-fill valve on cold water make-up line.
Open purge valve.
One zone at a time, open the isolation valves. Allow water to run through
the zone, pushing out the air. Run until no noticeable air flow is present.
Close the zone isolation valves and proceed with the next zone. Follow
this procedure until all zones are purged.
Close the quick-fill water valve and purge valve and remove the hose.
Open all isolation valves. Watch that system pressure rises to correct
cold-fill pressure.
After the system has operated for a while, eliminate any residual air by
using the manual air vents located throughout the system.
If purge valves are not installed in system, open manual air vents in
system one at a time, beginning with lowest floor. Close vent when
water squirts out. Repeat with remaining vents.
Open automatic air vent (diaphragm-type or bladder-type expansion
tank systems only) one turn.
Starting on the lowest floor, open air vents one at a time until water
squirts out.
Repeat with remaining vents.
Refill to correct pressure.