Thank-you for purchasing a WeighSouth Industrial product. Please inspect the package
immediately upon receipt. If the box is damaged check for internal damage. Please keep
the packing material and shipping insert in case you are directed to return the scale
Ensure that all parts are accounted for:
• WeighSouth WS10 Indicator
• Weighing Platform
• Wall Mount Bracket
• Required parts bag
• Operation manual
The VS-2501 has been factory checked and calibrated before shipment. The correct
location is crucial to the accuracy of the weighing results. Select a stable, vibration-free
and level location. The ground must be able to safely bear the weight of the fully loaded
1. With the box opened you will notice the large platform upside down. While in the box
screw in the 4 adjustable feet into each corner of the base assembly. Make sure that
each foot has in place the plastic spacer provided.
2. It is recommended that two person lift out the base assembled and place on a level
3. With the base fi rmly on the ground readjust each leveling foot to ensure that the base
is fi rmly in place. All four leveling feet must be touching the ground surface
4. Remove the Scale Indicator and connect the cable from the base to the back of the
Indicator by lining up the ports correctly and secure the screw connector.
5. Attach Wall/Table mount bracket using the hexagon screws supplied.