With the dial in the RUN or OFF position and FLOW is enabled through SmartLink Network, press the down
button once to reveal REAL-TIME FLOW. It will display the current ow rate from active running zone valve(s)
or mainline activities such as Quick Coupler Valves or Hose Bibs through the LEAK DETECT function.
2.0 Programming the Controller
Your SmartLine® controller has two operating modes: BASIC mode or Weathermatic’s patented SMART
mode. The BASIC mode uses user assigned zone run times. The SMART mode overrides user assigned zone
run times and calculates zone run times based on the location of the site, inputs by zone, and weather
readings from the SLW Weather Sensor. Note: SMART requires the optional SLW Weather Sensor.
Smart watering calculates ET (evapotranspiration), the landscape’s daily water loss, and schedules the
correct amount of irrigation to replace the loss. When combined with a Weathermatic SLW Weather Sensor,
Smart mode gives you the power to reduce water waste. Many water districts are o ering rebates for Smart
mode users. Check with your local district.
Both the BASIC mode and SMART mode operate based on the user’s programmed start times, watering
days, omit times/days, and several Advanced Menu features (rain delay, zone to zone delay, and master
valve settings).
Important Note: Zone run times must be entered for every zone in use for the controller to recognize the
zone in either BASIC or SMART modes.
2.1 Using the Programming Buttons
A FLASHING DISPLAY indicates that user choices are available. The UP and DOWN Adjust Value buttons are
used to scroll through numeric values or to make a choice of menu options.
NEXT and BACK Buttons: When watering zones are being programmed, the left side of the display will
indicate the zone number. The NEXT and BACK buttons are used to scroll through the zones. If the ashing
display indicates a menu selection rather than a numeric value, the NEXT button will open the menu for
further programming. The BACK button will exit the menu and cause the chosen value to be saved in