To programme the encoder using the TEACH-IN procedure act as described below. The following steps
define a ramp with increasing output values:
• Move the axis to the origin of the physical travel of the application you want to measure and control.
In other words, move it to the point where the travel starts.
• Switch the START input to HIGH logic level +VDC for 3 seconds at least; the LED in the sensor switches
off. This way you set the point where the encoder will provide the minimum current / voltage signal
level available in the output range (4 mA for AI1; 0 V for AV2).
• Now move the axis to the end of the physical travel of the application you want to measure and
control. In other words, move it to the point where the travel stops.
• Switch the STOP input to HIGH logic level +VDC for 3 seconds at least; the LED in the sensor switches
on again. This way you set the point where the encoder will provide the maximum current / voltage
signal level available in the output range (20 mA for AI1; 10 V for AV2).
For a descending ramp (as shown in the figure on the previous page) activate the START input and
then move backward the axis in reverse of the standard direction before activating the STOP input (in
other words you activate the START input when the axis is in the final position of its travel and then
activate the STOP input when the axis is in the first position of its travel). The maximum value of the
output range precedes the initial point of the ramp (i.e. the beginning of the axis travel). The minimum
value of the output range follows the final point of the ramp (i.e. the end limit of the axis travel).
If you set a wrong point for the initial position of the travel by activating the START input,
you have to turn off and then on again the power supply to reset the sensor. Then repeat the procedure
from the first step.
Otherwise, if you set a wrong point for the final position of the travel by activating the STOP input (this
means that you have already set the initial position of the travel by activating the START input), you
have to switch the STOP input to 0 VDC. Then move the axis to the right final position and activate the
STOP input.
Current output
Voltage output