VL53L1X Distance Sensor User Manual
Version: V1.0.0 Date: 2018.06.25
The VL53L1X is a state-of-the-art, Time-of-Flight (ToF), laser-ranging sensor,
enhancing the ST
FlightSense™ product family. It is the fastest
miniature ToF sensor
on the market with accurate ranging up to 4 m and fast ranging frequency up to
50 Hz.
Housed in a miniature and reflowable package, it integrates a SPAD receiving
array, a 940 nm invisible Class1 laser emitter, physical infrared filters, and optics to
achieve the best ranging performance in various ambient lighting conditions with a
range of cover window options.
Unlike conventional IR sensors, the VL53L1X uses
ST’s latest generation ToF
technology which allows absolute distance measurement whatever the target color
and reflectance.
It is also possible to program the size of the ROI on the receiving array, allowing
the sensor FoV to be reduced.
Fully integrated miniature module
Size: 4.9x2.5x1.56 mm
Emitter: 940 nm invisible laser (Class1)
SPAD (single photon avalanche diode)