MaxxBass™ Controls
Toggles the MaxxBass™ processing On/Off.
Options: LED on=bypass on, LED off=bypass off.
The HPF is a High Pass Filter which is inserted on the original input sig-
nal. By switching the HPF on and off you can decide whether to retain or
remove the original low frequencies.
Options: LED on = original bass out, LED off = original bass in
Controls the MaxxBass™ Cutoff frequency, below which the
processing begins. MaxxBass™ uses a 18dB/Oct X-Over to split the input
signal into low and high signals, and applies processing only to the low
signal. For example, if the frequency is set to 60Hz, frequencies above
60Hz pass through unaltered while frequencies below 60Hz will have Maxx-
Bass™-generated harmonics, added back to the final signal as set by the
Intensity control. A good choice of MaxxBass™ Cutoff frequency is about
10% below the target speakers’ cutoff frequency.
Frequency Range: 20-120 Hz
Controls the amount of harmonics generated by the MaxxBass™.
The amount of low frequencies mixed into the signal are determined by
the Intensity setting.
MaxxBass™ Intensity range: 0-100%
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