Axis Scope and Axis Proton / Quick Start Guide
Waves Software
Axis Scope and Axis Proton come with Waves v13 software preinstalled. If your Waves licenses are stored on a USB
flash drive (“disk on key”), simply insert the drive into an Axis USB port and then open LV1 or another Waves
application. The host will locate the licenses.
To manage your licenses, install new software, update your existing software, or try a demo, use the Waves Central
application. Waves Central is preinstalled on your Axis computer. We suggest that you regularly visit Waves Central to
check that the installed software is up to date. To activate or move licenses, follow these steps:
1. Open the Waves Central app and enter your Waves account credentials. Waves Central may update when
launched. This is normal. If you see a notice at the top of the screen, “Updates Available,” you can update all
your products now or wait for a more convenient time.
2. On the left sidebar, choose to manage licenses or install software products. Licenses and products are
installed in a very similar manner. Please refer to the Waves Central user guide for instructions.
3. Activate your Waves licenses on your Axis host computer or a removable flash drive. Using a portable flash
drive makes it easier to move from one computer to another, or from one venue to another. Say, for example,
that you built a session on your studio computer and now you want to use the session in a concert setting.
Install the necessary plugins and presets in the computer at the new venue (this can be done without your
license). Plug in your USB flash drive, and you’re ready to go.
4. You can also use Waves Central to move licenses between host computers (without using a flash drive) using
the Waves Central License Cloud.
If ever you need to reinstall the Waves Central app, you can find it here:
If your production computer is not connected to the internet, prepare an offline installer on an internet-connected
computer, and then install from that file. Refer to the Waves Central user guide for details.