Lync WQ-AS
L- OMM-007_A
Technical Support • (800) 433-5654 • Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm EST
Maintenance Practice
Check for system leaks
Every month
Check the differential pressure* for cartridge replacement
Every two weeks
UV lamp replacement
Every year
Quartz sleeve replacement
Every three years
AquaSolve media replacement
Every three years
* Differential pressure is equal to pressure gauge reading at the inlet side of the filter minus pressure
gauge reading at the outlet side of the filter.
Pressure Drop
Lync Cartridge Filter housing is designed to minimize pressure drop by using 2" pipe fittings and
large diameter center tube (see chart below for pressure drop data).
Replacing AquaSolve Media
1. Shut off the primary feed supply going to the WQ-AS skid.
2. Close the inlet valve to the AquaSolve(s) and the inlet valve to Lync Cartridge Filter to
isolate the AquaSolve(s) skid.
3. Open up the 1/4
” drain/sample valve(s) after the AquaSolve outlet valve(s) to release the
pressure in the tank and in the distribution lines before and after the AquaSolve(s).
4. Disconnect the unions on the inlet and outlet of the tank, and then disconnect flex
connectors from head.
5. Using a step ladder and strap wrench, remove the threaded head assembly connection
(turning counter-clockwise) and remove the complete upper assembly including grey-
colored PVC strainer. Rinse these parts in a nearby sink or bucket of water. Do not drain
the tank.
6. Remove the distributor tube with the bottom strainer. Rinse these parts in a nearby sink
or bucket of water.