Operator Interfaces
Technical Guide
Configuration Screen #20
WMVAV Config ID 59
Broadcast VAV Boxes
Force To Max: NO
[0=NO 1=YES]
When “1=YES” is selected all VAVBOX controllers connected to this
WMVAV controller will be forced to their “Maximum Airflow” posi-
tion during the Morning Warm-up mode of operation. Select “0=NO” if
you do not want this to occur. See the VAVBOX controller setpoint
screens for setting of the “Maximum Airflow” position.
Configuration Screen #21
WMVAV Config ID 59
Broadcast VAV Boxes
Force To Fix: NO
[0=NO 1=YES]
When “1=YES” is selected all VAVBOX controllers connected to this
WMVAV controller will be forced to their “Fixed Airflow” position
during the Morning Warm-up mode of operation. Select “0=NO” if you
do not want this to occur. See the VAVBOX controller setpoint screens
for setting of the “Fixed Airflow” position.
Configuration Screen #22- #41
WMVAV Config ID 59
Stage Configurations
Rly xx: Not Used
Press “0” to Change
The following 20 screens allow you to set the four relays on the WMVAV
controller board and up to sixteen additional relays when relay expan-
sion board(s) are used.
The first relay on the WMVAV controller is always reserved for the
Supply Fan. The remaining four relays on the main board and the addi-
tional sixteen relays on the expansion relay modules can be configured
by pressing the “0” key to change the relay to the desired configuration.
Available relay configurations are listed in the table that follows.
Available Relay
Description Of Use
Heat Stage
On/Off Control Of A Heating Stage
(8 Stages Max)
Cool Stage
On/Off Control Of A Cooling Stage
(8 Stages Max)
Rev Valve
On/Off Control Of A Reversing Valve
Exhaust Fan
On/Off Control Of An Exhaust Fan or
Exhaust Damper
On/Off Control Of A Re-heat Device
Warm-up Mode
On/Off Signal That Causes
WattMaster Controlled VAV Boxes To
Drive Open to Maximum Airflow
On/Off Control Of A Pre-heat Device
On/Off Control Of An Economizer
Alarm Relay
On/Off Indication Of Alarms
On/Off Indication Of The Unit Being
In Override Mode
On/Off Indication Of The Unit Being
In Occupied Mode
The WMVAV controller does not require that you start configuring your
heating or cooling stages first and it doesn’t require that you utilize
consecutive relays until all heating or cooling stages have been defined.
All relays can be used for any of the above options in any order you
desire. This method allows the greatest flexibility in the field, but it
requires close attention to the wiring of the heating and cooling stages
to prevent incorrect and possibly harmful operation.
The controller assumes there will only be one relay configured for Morn-
ing Warm-up Mode although it doesn’t prevent multiple relays from
being selected. Since this relay is used to send a signal to VAV boxes to
drive to their maximum airflow position, redundant relays are not re-
Relays #2 through #21 can be individually configured. This should be
enough to handle up to 8 stages of heating and 8 stages of cooling on
large HVAC units. Only the heating and cooling relays can be config-
ured with multiple outputs. If any other option is selected more than
once, it will simply activate redundant relays but no multiple staging
will occur.