Stall prevention level during accel :
30% - 200%
Stall prevention level during running: 30% - 200%
Fn_15: Decel time during stall prevention :
0.1sec - 3,600 sec
1. If acceleration time is not long enough, overcurrent will occur during acceleration. Inverter
will prolong acceleration time to prevent trip when acceleration time is too short.
2. If deceleration time is not long enough, overvoltage will occur on DC BUS. Inverter will
prolong decel time to prevent “OV” trip when deceleration time is too short.
3. In order to prevent abnormal overload trip during running (e.g. stall or rough operation ),
Inverter will lower output frequency in accordance with deceleration time set by
Fn_02 ( or Fn_15 when Fn_12 is 1xxx) when operation current is over the value set by
Fn_14. Inverter will return to normal operating frequency automatically after current is back
to normal condition.
Fn_16 =
xxx0: Direct start enable when remote RUN command ON
xxx1: Direct start disable when remote RUN command ON
xx0x: Reset effective only if remote RUN command OFF
xx1x: Reset effective regardless of remote RUN command condition
00xx: TM2 terminal will scan 10 times
01xx: TM2 terminal will scan 5 times
10xx: TM2 terminal will scan 3 times
11xx: TM2 terminal will scan once
1. When Fn_16 = xxx1 and control mode is remote control (Fn_10=1), Inverter cannot start if RUN
switch is on when power is engaged and “STP1” will be flashing. On digital operator RUN
switch must be turned to OFF and turned ON again, then Inverter can start.
2. Scanning numbers of TM2 input signal on terminal 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 ( FWD / REV / SP1 /
SP2 /SP3 / RESET) are decided by Fn_16. If TM2 detect same input signals for n times in a row,
Inverter will treat the signal as normal signal and execute it. On the other hand, if TM2 detect the
same input signals that are less than n times, TM2 will esteem the signals as noise.
(n = 10 / 5 / 3 / 1). Remark: the scan time is 2 ms
Multi-speed and timer control
Fn_17 ~ Fn_23 : multispeed 1 ~ multispeed 7 = 0 - 400Hz
Fn_24 : Jog frequency reference = 0 - 400Hz
xxx1 : Process timer enable