Fit the delivery clamp loosely to allow any excess tubing to work its way through the
pumphead. (See Re-tensioning the tubing, below)
Position the track over the pumphead cradle and locate the track securing bolt. Tighten
the track-securing bolt using the 6mm Allen key provided.
Tighten both the track compression spring knobs to a torque of 3Nm (2.2 lb-ft) using a
10mm A/F spanner.
701RB, 701RBX and 701RBG: Re-tensioning the tubing
Start the pump, allowing any excess tubing to work through the pumphead, then press
down the delivery end clamp firmly. Check the tube for movement when the pump is
running. If tubing moves through the pumphead, the tube should be more firmly clamped
at the suction end. The delivery end should be unclamped to release any excess tubing,
pulled tight and then firmly re-clamped again.
When using Marprene continuous tubing, after the first 30 minutes of running, re-tension
the tube in the pumphead by releasing the tube clamp on the delivery side a little and
pulling the tube tight. This is to counteract the normal stretching that occurs with Marprene
which can go unnoticed and result in poor tube life.
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Watson-Marlow Bredel E-Manuals