PD control:
Proportioning control with rate
PI control:
Proportioning control with auto-reset.
PID control:
Proportioning control with auto-
reset and rate.
Process varlable: Thermal
system element to
be regulated, such as time, temperature, relative
humidity, etc.
Programmed display data:
Displayed informa-
tion which gives the operator/programmer the
“programmed” or intended process information,
i.e., intended set point, intended alarm limit, etc.
See “Actual displayed data.”
Proportlonal band:
Span of temperature about
the set point where time proportional control
action takes place.
Proportloning control: See
Time Proportioning
Anticipatory action that senses the rate of
change of temperature and compensates to
minimize overshoot. Also “derivative.”
Rate Band:
A thermal control band that defines
where the rate (derivative) function begins. A
Watlow rate band occurs centered on set point at
one or more times the width of the proportional
Reference junction:
Synonymous with cold
junction. See “Cold junction.”
Control action that automatically elimi-
nates offset, or “droop”, between set point and
actual process temperature. Also “integral.”
Reset windup inhibit:
Synonymous with anti-
reset. See “Anti-reset.”
Resistance Temperature Detector. Resis-
tive sensing device displaying resistance versus
temperature characteristics. Displays positive
temperature coefficient.
Set point:
Intended value of the process variable.
Switching sensitivity:
In ON/OFF control, the
temperature change necessary to change the
output from full ON to full OFF.
Thermal System: A
regulated environment
consisting of a heat source, heat transfer me-
dium, sensing device and a process variable
control instrument.
Temperature sensing device
that is constructed of two dissimilar metals
wherein a measurable, predictable voltage is
generated corresponding to temperature.
Thermocouple break protection:
operation that assures output shutdown upon an
open thermocouple condition.
Three mode control:
Proportioning control with
reset and rate.
Time Proportioning Control:
Action which
varies the amount of ON and OFF time when
“close” to the set point, i.e., in the proportional
band. This variance is proportional to the differ-
ence between the set point and the actual
process temperature. In other words, the amount
of time the output relay is energized depends on
the system temperature.
Solid state switching device.
Upper display data:
Displayed information
which gives the operator/programmer real or
“actual” data, i.e., actual process temperature.
See “Programmed display data.”
Warm Start:
Start-up condition where all program
information is remembered by the instrument’s
memory back-up protection.
Zero switching:
Action that provides output
switching only at the zero voltage crossing points
of the AC line.
WATLOW Series 980/985
User’s Manual