RUI/Gateway & Modbus
Configuration & Programming Example
Using KEPServerEX 4.0
1241 Bundy Blvd
Winona, MN 55987
Telephone: 507-494-5656
© 2008 Watlow Electric Mfg Co 13
FM 4/08
PV1 of PM1 = 400361 (offset = 0)
PV1 of PM2 = 405361 (offset = 5000)
PV1 of PM3 = 410361 (offset = 10000)
PV1 of PM4 = 415361 (offset = 15000)
29. Now that we know the finer details of the Modbus
offset prompts lets go back to
KEPServerEX and look closer at the tag configuration and properties.
As can be seen above the “Tag Properties” dialogue box will open after clicking on the blue
link identified as (“
Click to add…
”). The name and description are user defined where the
address will be specific as it relates to the member being read or written to.