Sterilize and Rinse Carbon Filter Cup
Remove the fi lter cup from Distiller cover by pushing inward and pulling
down to unhook (fi g. C). Before installing new fi lter cup, remove plastic
wrap and discard the two protective seals (one on top and one on bottom).
Pour 1 to 2 cups of DISTILLED water through the fi lter cup to rinse away
any small harmless carbon fi nes (dust). Water draining from the fi lter cup
could contain black dust. This is typical. This carbon dust is formed as a
result of production, packaging and shipping of the fi lter cup. Once water
runs clear through the fi lter cup, to ensure optimum water purity, sterilize
fi lter cup by fully immersing in boiling water for about fi ve minutes. Allow
fi lter cup to cool before handling. Rinse briefl y with distilled water before
There is a label packaged with each fi lter cup. Write in the date of installa-
tion as a replacement reminder. Place the sterilized fi lter cup into opening
of distiller spout. Hook over cover gasket and push up on the front of the
fi lter to snap into place (fi g. C).
The fi lter cup should be replaced every two months or 60-80 gallons of
water processed (whichever comes fi rst). Replace more often should the
distilled water begin to have an unwanted taste or odor. Discard fi rst gallon
of distilled water as it may contain small, harmless carbon fi nes. Order
replacement fi lters from the outlet where you purchased your distiller.
Clean Boiler
Wash inside of boiler with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly.
Waterwise Model 4000 Distiller Use & Care Guide
Figure C
Filter Cup