sTep 1
Lay the sub rails on the floor with ends parallel. Dolly wheels on the outside.
Attach the end of the mono rail to the angled ends of the sub rails with the
Allen key (M) and 4 pairs of the JCN nuts (F) and JCB bolts (E) .
Do not tighten all the way.
× 4
× 4
sTep 2
Place the tank assembly on the sub rails in the direction shown in the
picture below.
Using the Allen key (M) and 4 pairs JCN nuts (F) and JCB bolts (E),
attach the forward riser bracket to the rails. You may need to apply slight
pressure to align bracket and rail holes. Do not tighten all the way.
× 4
× 4
sTep 3
First remove the Back of Footboard Bolts (K) from behind the
footboard. These bolts are used in steps 6 and 8.
Place the footboard on the rails, then attach the sensor cable to
the monitor cable protruding from the back of the footboard.
The sensor cable may be taped to the back of the footboard. If
so, remove the tape.
Feed the cable gently through the brackets so it does not get
trapped between the footboard and tank assembly.
Align gold rivnuts on the tank assembly with the footboard’s
handle rest holes.
sTep 4
Using the 5mm Allen key (M), screw the handle rests and bolts (G & H)
through the top of the footboard into the rivnuts mentioned in the previous
Do not over tighten these bolts.
*If you loosened the Top Deck Bolts in step 3 to align the footboard, first
tighten them before tightening the handle bolts.
× 2
× 2
It may be necessary to slightly
loosen the 2 bolts on the top deck
to allow the footboard clearance.