It is possible to have a temperature variation between the water in the spa and the digiHeat
controller. This is also referred to as the “bias” adjustment setting. This adjustment can only
be carried out whilst the controller is set for “˚C” (centigrade).
example: if the water in the spa is 26˚C and the digiHeat control displays 24ºC.
To calibrate the temperature variation, set the bias to +2 with the following procedure:
1. Switch on both the pump and the digiheat.
2. With the use of an accurate thermometer, read the spa water temperature (e.g.: 26˚C).
3. Next read the temperature displayed on the digiHeat control (eg: 24˚C).
4. To determine the bias setting, subtract the spa water temperature from the digiHeat
eg : 26 - 24 = 2˚C. Therefore we must compensate for the variation by setting the bias
to +2.
If the temperatures were reversed eg; the water temperature was 24 and the digiheat
control was 26 we would require a bias setting of -2.
eg : 24 - 26 = -2. Therefore we must compensate for the variation by setting the bias to
5. enter the programming mode by simultaneously pressing on the uP and dOWN arrows.
6. Once the temperature display is flashing press on the ON/OFF button.
7. using the uP and dOWN arrows, enter the calibration value, (+2). In this case, by pressing
the uP arrow twice.(if the down arrow is used, the bias will be a negative figure)
8. Once the bias has been entered, wait until the calibrated temperature appears back on
the display.
10 I digiheat Titanium In line Spa Heaters