Push in grey collet to release tubing.
Tubing is secured in.
Push tubing straight in as far as it will go.
Grey Collet
Pull tubing straight out.
To Attach Tubing
To Release Tubing
This product is outfitted with user friendly ‘Push-In’ connectors. Proper use of
the connectors is shown in the diagrams below.
It is most important that the tubing selected for use with these connectors be
of high quality, exact size and roundness, and with no surface nicks or
scratches. If it is necessary to cut the tubing, use a plastic tubing cutter or
sharp razor knife. Make a clean square cut.
Should a leak occur at a ‘Push-In’ connector, the cause is usually defective tubing.
To Fix: •
Relieve pressure
• Release tubing
• Cut off at least 1/4” from end
• Reattach tubing
• Confirm connection is leak free
‘Push-In’ Tubing Connector
To reduce the risk associated with property damage due to water leakage:
all tubing and fi ttings are secure and free of leaks.
Installation Sanitizing - Prefill & Sanitize the Storage Tank
Prefilling the storage tank is always recommended so that there is pressure to check for leaks as well as sufficient
water to flush the carbon postfilter. The CMTRO-75™ System is furnished with a container of special sanitizing
granules known as Calcium Hypochlorite. It is important to use a sanitizer when prefilling the tank.
1. Apply approximately 3 wraps of PTFE thread tape onto threaded tank stem. Locate the enclosed container of
sanitizing granules, open it and pour the contents into the end of the threaded tank stem. Install the 3/8" x 1/4"
tank valve onto the threaded tank stem. Do not overtighten.
2. Disconnect the 3/8” yellow tubing from the back of the filtration assembly and connect one end of it into the tube
fitting located on the tank valve.
3. Connect the other end of the 3/8” yellow tubing to the 3/8” x 1/4” union connector included in the tank sanitization kit.
4. Connect the free end of the 1/4” orange feed water tubing to the other end of the 3/8” x 1/4” union connector.
5. Open the cold water supply shut off valve (making sure the tank valve is still open) and allow the tank to fill
(about 3 minutes).
6. Close the cold water supply shut off valve and the tank valve. Disconnect the 3/8” yellow tubing from the tank
valve elbow fitting and set the tank aside while proceeding with the rest of the installation (the sanitizing solution
should be kept in the tank for at least 15 minutes).
To reduce the risk associated with eye, skin and respiratory and digestive tract burns from Calcium Hypochlorite during installation:
• Calcium Hypochlorite (CAS 7778-54-3) granules are used for tank sanitization in this product.
• During installation, do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Do not ingest. Wear eye and face protection. Keep out of reach of children.
• To request an MSDS relating to this product, call 203-238-8965 or visit the web at http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3m/en_us/MSDS (click
MSDS search). For emergencies, call 800-364-3577 or 651-737-6501 (24 hours).
To reduce the risk associated with ingestion of water contaminated with
Calcium Hypochlorite
• After installation, sanitizer
be fl ushed from the system before fi rst use as directed within the installation instructions.