Bit rate
This item is displayed only when ONVIF MODE is “disabled”, and it is configurable.
You can set the bitrate of the video output.
In the range of 2000 ~ 8000 [kbps], you switch the set value. The default setting is
If you change this item, the video output pauses, and the camera restarts few seconds
Test pattern
Output the test pattern (color bar signal)
Normal Image
Output the test pattern
The default setting is "0".
After changing configuration values of each item described above with the slider or
text box, by clicking the “Update” button, the change will be reflected.
Once the “Default” button is clicked, the entire camera settings to this pare will return to the
default configuration. At the same time, the output size of the image also will be changed,
therefore the output of video will pause.
Please make sure to save to the flash ROM in the Save & Load page if you have changed
any settings, otherwise the changed settings will not be saved and be back to the original
settings when there is power-supply disconnection.