Install Guide
Backing up Files and Removing Previous Versions (Upgrade Only)
Backing up Files and Removing Previous Versions (Upgrade
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the Firebox System, perform the
following steps (otherwise, you can skip this section):
Back up the current Firebox configuration file. To do this, save the file to a new
name and place it in a directory other than the WatchGuard directory.
Exit and disable the Event Processor.
If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, disabling the Event Processor does not stop
the service. Stop the service first, either from the Event Processor interface or using one of the
following procedures:
If you are running Windows NT: Click Start=>Settings=>Control Panel=>Services. Then,
from the Services menu, click the name of the service. Click Stop.
If you are running Windows 2000, click Start=>Settings=>Control Panel=>Administrative
Tools=>Services. Click the name of the service. Click Stop.
Uninstall any previous versions of WatchGuard software.
Determining a Network Location for the Firebox
The most common location of the Firebox, and the one that is nearly always used, is
directly behind the Internet router, as pictured below.