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WatchGas B.V.  |  Klaverbaan 121 |  2908 KD Capelle aan den IJssel  |  The Netherlands  |  +31 (0)85 01 87 709  |  | [email protected]

WatchGas is dedicated to continuously  improving its products. Therefore, the specifications and features mentioned in this datasheet are subject to change without prior notice.

WatchGas Application Note 6 Part 2: WatchGas QGM Calibration v1.1 19-01-21 

© 2021  WatchGas B.V.

Manual calibration using the IR link

To calibrate the WatchGas QGM using the IR link, use the following steps:

1.  Turn on the device and wait for all sensor to warm-up.

2.  Place the device onto the IR link and start the IR link software

3.  Check all settings using the IR link software. Verify that calibration gas concentrations match the 

concentrations in the gas cylinder.

4.  Open the calibration window and start the Zero Calibration. This will take 10 seconds.

5.  Connect the 0.5 L/min regulator to the gas cylinder. Attach the Last-O-More hose and calibration 


6.  Connect the Calibration adaptor to the device.

7.  Start the Span Calibration in the IR link software. Start gas flow. Span Calibration will take 90 seconds. 

Ensure the device and IR link stay connected during this time.

8.  The calibration result is shown in the device for each sensor individually. Afterwards, the device will 

return to measurement mode.

9.  Turn off gas flow and disconnect the calibration adapter. Wait for the gas readings to return to 0.

10. Reboot the device and verify calibration result by applying the same concentration of calibration gas, 

preferably from another cylinder.
