When the batteries are first connected, the display will show the
firmware version on the first line and indicate whether the cellular
module cable is connected (w/ modem) on the second. This will
transition to the Run or Off menu after 5 seconds.
Once the battery is in place, it needs to be secured tightly with the
Velcro straps provided.
When using an international cell phone frequency (900/1800
MHz) it is necessary to let the unit know to reset the cellular module.
Disconnect the battery and hold the UP button while connecting the
battery. Continue holding the UP button for two seconds, until a war-
bling beep occurs indicating the button can be released. Then press
and release the SET button. The cellular module will be set to inter-
national frequencies and display INTL 900/1800 for a few seconds.
Be sure to verify communications using the TEST procedure.
To change the mode back to US frequencies (850/1900MHz) use
the same procedure except hold the DOWN button and reconnect
the battery.
Battery setup