Thank you for choosing this top quality Warbird
Replicas Spitfire IX kit, which we know will
bring you many hours of flying pleasure as well
as an enjoyable building experience.
From the earliest Warbird kits over two decades ago,
through to the present, all of our kits have earnt a
solid reputation for
construction and
exceptional flying
qualities. Our
current range
covers the models
our customers have
asked us for, with the latest kits fast establishing
themselves as winners.
Our unique total design philosophy produces a near
scale model whilst still suitable for everyday use.
As testimony to our
achievement, all
press reviews have
confirmed that our
models would
make excellent first
low wing trainers.
However, we consider the greatest compliment
comes from fellow modellers, who after buying one
Warbird kit tend to keep coming back for more!
Total design
Total design means that we don’t just sell you a kit
and then leave you to find all the difficult
accessories. Each kit includes a range of optional
[but strongly recommended] extras including decals,
retract packs complete with comprehensive
instructions, wheels & wheel wells and pilot &
cockpit sets. The latest addition to our
accessory range is a custom
made, in-cowl exhaust system
suitable for most 52 size 4-stroke
motors. Exclusive to Warbirds
these exhaust systems can
further enhance the scale
appearance of your finished
Create something
Feedback we have received
over the years has shown us our
customers are capable of going
much closer to scale and crave
more detail, so although all major
components are contained within the
kit, the covered airframe is very much a
blank canvas, ready to accept your own ideas on
painting, weathering and scale detailing.
The Osprey series of publications are an excellent
resource for detailing, covering a wide range of
WWII marques. Mk IX Spitfire ISBN 1-84176-266-0
Warbird Replicas Online
Build tips and advice, covering & painting, video
downloads, model gallery, online shop and much
more, are all available at the Warbird replicas
website -
What next?
Do a little research, familiarise yourself with all
stages of construction, dry fit components as you
progress and you will be well on your way to
creating a model that stands out from the
usual crowd!
The legendary Supermarine Spitfire, designed by
R.J.Mitchell was a direct descendant from the
Schneider Trophy winning sea planes from the
same factory. With such a distinguished pedigree
nothing less than a true thoroughbred could result.
The design was so advanced that it could be
developed way beyond that of its contemporaries,
the Hurricane and ME109, and was competitive
right through to the end of the war. The Spitfire
won the
hearts of all who flew her, and the
respect of those who fought against her in combat.
Our model faithfully reproduces the look of a Mk
IX Spitfire. The flight characteristics are delightful,
it has no real vices, and is a real lady right down
to the stall, which incidentally is a non-event. Like
the full size, the model has been designed to
operate from relatively short grass runways, giving
everyone the opportunity to become a Spitfire Ace.
Our British designed and manufactured model was
destined from the outset to be a winner, as was the
original. Whether you choose IC or electric power,
built as intended, you will soon be won over by its
impeccable manners and hopefully converting
other ‘box’ flyers to models that look like the
aircraft that really made them aviation
enthusiasts in the first place.
The model shown here is powered by an SC52 4-stroke, a flying weight of only 6lb was achieved