Keep in control of the dog’s movement at first. Keep the dog in a
clear area and keep him on a short leash. If the dog does become fright-
ened, then disconnect the harness from the wheelchair and try again
Until your dog gets used to the Walkin’ Wheels
, limit the amount of
time spent in it. The Walkin’ Wheels
is designed to allow your dog to
get exercise and physical therapy. Dogs cannot lie down in the wheel-
chair but will be able to urinate and defecate while in the wheelchair.
Start with short periods and increase slowly. Make sure you don’t
overdo it the first day. After your dog gets used to the wheelchair, he/
she can be in it 1 hour at a time. Then you will need to take him/her out
to rest. Here is the video to watch on how to put the wheelchair
1. When starting this process we suggest that you use the dog’s favor-
ite treats to reward your dog for walking forward. You won’t need to
keep using these treats every day, just in the beginning of the train-
ing process. A hungry dog is a motivated dog! Work with your dog
before you have fed him a meal. He will be more eager to pay
attention and earn the food reward if he is hungry.
2. Do not immediately put your dog in the wheelchair. Assemble the
wheelchair and leave it in an area where your dog can see it, smell it,
and touch it.
3. Once the dog is comfortable near the wheelchair, put the front
harness on and leave him or her alone for a while. Let the dog get
used to the feeling of the straps.
4. When your dog is comfortable, try putting him in the leg ring
support system and attach the front harness to the wheelchair.
Give him a treat for positive association.
5. After your dog is in the wheelchair, hold the food reward right at his
nose level. Feed him several pieces. Then you can move one foot
backwards, again holding the food reward in front of you. He should
then walk toward you to get the treat. Before you know it, he is
walking in his Walkin’ Wheels
! Again, give him a treat and
positive praise.
6. Work in very short (5-10) minute sessions, several times a day. Give
your dog rest periods between each session.