(888) 253-0777
Teach Your Dog How to Use Walkin’ Wheels
We created the Walkin’ Wheels® with the intention that you will
adjust the wheelchair, put your pet in it, and in a few moments watch
him or her running and playing again. It can happen that way, but it
doesn’t always. A wheelchair can be an adjustment for an
animal. To some, there is a strange device following him or her
around making odd noises and getting caught on furniture and door-
ways. They will adapt to these changes, but need a little time.
We recommend you be calm, quiet, and slow when putting on the
wheelchair for the first time. Give your pet lots of stroking and
reassurance. Treats help, too! Let the dog get used to the harness
before attaching it to the wheelchair. It may take a few minutes or
a few hours for your dog to get used to the harnesses.