(888) 253-0777
All Weather Boots
All-Weather Boots provide year-round
protection against temperature extremes and
rough surfaces while keeping paws clean and
dry. They also work well for dogs who drag their
paws while in a wheelchair. These boots can be
turned around, to have the soles facing the front
to protect dragging paws.
Front and Rear No-Knuckling Training Socks
The No-Knuckling Training
Sock should be used as a
temporary training tool. It is in-
tended for short-term, multiple
use to help correct gait and
improve paw placement.
Drag Bag
The Walkin’ Wheels
Drag Bag is designed for
pets to use in the home when they are not in their
chair. Great for protecting the chest and limbs.
Prevents abrasions and sores that can be caused
by scraping against carpets, floors, and
rough surfaces.
Belly Support
The Walkin’
Belly Support helps provide ad-
ditional support for your pet’s back while in the
Walkin’ Wheels
wheelchair. Made of lightweight
but strong neoprene fabric, the Belly Support
helps raise the middle of the pet’s body to relieve
undue stress on back.