It indicates that the temperature signal from the conductivity electrode is no longer valid. The controller reverts to manual temperature
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Green or White electrode wire disconnected.
Faulty electrode
Replace electrode.
This error condition will stop conductivity control. It indicates that the conductivity signal from the electrode is no longer valid. This
prevents controlling based upon a bogus conductivity reading.
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Black or red electrode wire shorted
Disconnect short.
Faulty electrode
Replace electrode.
Faulty controller
Verify via failed self test.
This error condition will stop all control. It indicates that the flow of sample past the electrodes and flow switch is less than ½ gallon per
minute. This prevents controlling based upon a stagnant sample.
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
No flow
Check piping for closed valves, blockage, etc. Check recirculation pump.
Faulty flow switch
Check with ohmmeter.
Faulty controller
Check by shorting flow switch input in controller.
This error condition will stop conductivity control. It is caused by the bleed output being activated for longer than the programmed Bleed
Time Limit.
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Programmed value too low for normal conditions.
Increase Bleed Time Limit.
Bleed flow rate too low
Check for clogged strainer. Check for insufficient pressure differential.
Bleed valve not opening
Check for faulty bleed valve. Check bleed valve wiring. Check controller relay.
This error condition will stop the feed pump for that particular feed cycle. If feed is initiated again, the feed pump will be allowed to
activate. The error condition is caused by the feed output being activated for longer than the programmed time limit.
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Programmed value too low for normal conditions.
Increase Feed Time Limit. (may also be called Max Time or Lockout)
Bleed took too long. (Bleed & Feed or Feed as %
of Bleed only)
See Bleed Timeout Troubleshooting.
Pumping problem.
Check chemical supply. Check pump for prime. Check tubing for blockage or leaks.
Controller problem.
Check output wiring. Check controller relay.
This error message indicates that the conductivity is above the programmed percentage above set point. The conductivity will continue to
be monitored, and the bleed and feed outputs will be allowed to be activated.
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Fouled conductivity electrode
See Conductivity Electrode Troubleshooting section
Bleed flow rate too low
Check for clogged strainer. Check for insufficient pressure differential.
Bleed valve not opening
Check for faulty bleed valve. Check bleed valve wiring. Check controller relay.
Conductivity rose over alarm limit while biocide
lockout occurred
Allow normal bleed to occur.