5.12 Config
This menu allows you to export a file that contains all of the set points in the controller to a USB flash
disk drive, and then later import the set points into another controller.
Export Config
Place a USB flash drive with at least 10 MB capacity into the USB port on the front panel of the
controller. Press the Enter key to export the configuration file from the controller to the stick. The file
name will be UCF.ini. If you are exporting files with different set points you may rename the file to
something that describes it, as long as it has an ini extension.
The controller will display the progress of the file download process. If the file was successfully
exported to the USB disk the controller will display Transfer Success, otherwise Transfer Fail 1.
Transfer Success
Transfer Fail 1
Import Config
Place a USB flash drive that contains only one configuration file stored on the root directory of the
stick into the USB port on the front panel of the controller. Press the Enter key to import the
configuration file from the stick to the controller. The file name must have an ini extension in its
The controller will display the progress of the file import process. If the file was successfully imported
from the USB disk the controller will display one of the messages below:
Import Failure
Indicates that there were problems connecting to or accessing the USB
Import Success:
Any key to reboot
The configuration file import succeeded and will be ready for use after
File Open Failed
A config file could not be found on the USB stick or the USB stick file
system could not be accessed.
File Read Failed
The config file is too short (incomplete) or empty.
Invalid CFG File
The imported file is not a valid config file.
Invalid Model
The imported config file is not for this controller model.
Wrong SW Version
The version of the imported config file is not compatible with this
controller software version.
Corrupt CFG File
The imported config file is corrupt. (The checksum failed.)
Wrong file Size
The size of the imported config file is wrong.
Figure 18 Config Menu