Configuration in the WBM
Product manual | Version: 1.2.0
Industrial Managed Switch
Figure 50: WBM “Security” Page – “802.1X” – “802.1X Parameter Setting” Tab
Table 35: WBM “Security” Page – “802.1X” – “802.1X Parameter Setting” Tab – Parameters Settings“
Factory Default
Quiet Period
Waiting time before a new request can be submitted after the au-
thorization failed. The range is from 10 to 65535 seconds.
Tx Period
Waiting time for the supplicant’s EAP response before retransmit-
ting another EAP request. The range is from 10 to 65535 seconds.
Supplicant Timeout
Waiting time for the supplicant to respond to the authentication
server’s EAP packet. The range is from 10 to 300 seconds.
Server Timeout
Waiting time for the authentication server to respond to the suppli-
cant’s EAP packet.The range is from 10 to 300 seconds.
Maximum Requests
The maximum number of the retransmissions that the authentica-
tion server can send the EAP request to the supplicant before the
authentication session times out. The range is from 2 to 10 times.
Reauth Period
Time between the periodic re-authentication of the supplicant. The
range is from 30 to 65535 seconds. Port Setting (IEEE 802.1X - Port Setting)
The user can configure the 802.1x security mechanism on each port of the WAGO secure
switch as shown in Figure “WBM “Security” Page – “802.1X” – “802.1X Port Setting” Tab”.
Each port can be set for any of the four authorization modes which are Force Authoriza-
tion (FA), Force Unauthorization (FU), IEEE 802.1X Standard Authorization (AU), and no
authorization (NO), as described in Table “WBM “Security” Page – “802.1X” – “802.1X
Port Setting” Tab”.