Process Image 43
753-1630 SMI Master Module 230 V AC
Version 1.2.0 FW/HW Version 02/01
Addressing SMI Drives
SMI drives are assigned in the cyclic process image bit by bit in word 3. Each bit
addresses one SMI drive. Bit 0...15 correspond to slave addresses 0x00..0x0F.
The individual addresses can be combined bit by bit via an OR link. This allows
group addressing to be implemented.
To individually select the SMI drives with addresses 0x00..0x0F, enter the value
2^ [slave address] in word 3, e.g., value 0x01, 00000000_00000010 or 2 for the
SMI drive with slave address 0x01.
To perform the same control for multiple SMI drives at the same time, enter the
individual value total for the slave addresses in word 3, e.g., the value 0x8002,
10000000_00000010 or 32770 (2^0x01 +2^0x0F) for the SMI drives with slave
addresses 0x01 and 0x15.
The command codes from the “SMI Commands” table or shutter and slat
positioning are then implemented via the SMI drive stored in word 3.
Value 0x0000 for the group mask is invalid and reserved for future applications.
Pos: 84 /Serie 753 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Klemmenbus/FT&K/Prozessabbild 753-1630, -1631/Prozessabbild 753-1630, -1631 - SMI-Kommandos - Feldbuskopplermodus @ 28\mod_1478706094418_21.docx @ 386956 @ 3 @ 1