Board Support Package (BSP)
Ethernet Interface Services
Linux Fieldbus Coupler
In order to provide for cyclic time monitoring via SNTP, MSNTP can also be
started as a daemon. Additionally, MSNTP should be registered as respawn
process in the
file in order to automatically activate time
monitoring when starting the Linux fieldbus coupler and to restart the process
automatically if the program crashes. The entry in the file
looks as
::respawn:/bin/msntp –r –P no –x <minutes> <IP/Hostname>
Example: ::
respawn:/bin/msntp –r –P no –x 10
This would mean that the time would be checked every 10 minutes. The entry
means that the process sets the time via
P no
means that any time error is corrected
x 10
means that the process is a daemon and that it will take at least 10
minutes before it repeats its query.
Further information on the parameters can be found on the msntp main page
(e.g. under: http://pigtail.net/LRP/msntp.html).