Device Description 15
750-1405/040-000 16DI 24VDC 3ms XTR
Version 1.3.0
Do not exceed maximum values via power contacts!
The maximum current that can flow through the power jumper contacts is 10 A.
The power jumper contacts can be damaged and the permissible operating
temperature can be exceeded by higher current values.
When configuring the system, do not exceed the permissible maximum current
value. If there is a higher power requirement, you must use an additional supply
module to provide the field voltage.
Pos: 18.1.13 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O- SYST EM)/Gerätebeschr eibung ( alte Struktur)/Einl eitung/Versorgung/Gal vanische Trennung Fel d/System @ 3\mod_1233756478750_21.docx @ 27102 @ @ 1
The field voltage and the system voltage are electrically isolated from each other.
Pos: 18.1.14 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O- SYST EM)/Gerätebeschr eibung ( alte Struktur)/Einl eitung/Versorgung/Anor dnung unter Ber ücksichtigung der Leistungskontakte beliebig @ 3\mod_1233756233468_21.docx @ 27099 @ @ 1
With consideration of the power jumper contacts, the individual modules can be
arranged in any combination when configuring the fieldbus node.
An arrangement in groups within the group of potentials is not necessary.
Pos: 18.1.15 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O- SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en (alte Struktur)/Sicher heits- und sonstige Hi nweise/Hi nweis/Hinweis: XTR - Mischbetrieb XTR/Standard @ 15\mod_1367496420828_21.docx @ 118326 @ @ 1
Mixed operation
Mixed operation (standard/XTR modules) within a node is possible when groups
of modules are electrically isolated on the field side (i.e., electrically isolated
power supply).
Pos: 18.1.16 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O- SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en (alte Struktur)/Sicher heits- und sonstige Hi nweise/Hi nweis/Hinweis: XTR - Er höhte Störfestig keit @ 15\mod_1367496424993_21.docx @ 118330 @ @ 1
Increased interference!
For standard-compliant application in substation instrumentation and control,
telecontrol systems, railway technology or shipbuilding certified operation,
field-side power supply filter 750-624/040-001 or power supply filter
750-626/040-000 are generally to be used for XTR module groups.
Pos: 18.1.17 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O- SYST EM)/Gerätebeschr eibung ( alte Struktur)/Einl eitung/Einsatzbereich/Einsatzbereich 750- xxxx/040-000 all e XTR-Koppler/C ontroll er ohne Ei nschränkung+Mischbetriebhinweise @ 15\mod_1368425919479_21.docx @ 119444 @ @ 1
The I/O module can be operated with all fieldbus couplers/controllers of the
Observe the instructions for mixed operation when used in mixed operation
behind standard fieldbus couplers/controllers.
Pos: 18.2 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1