Connect Devices
753-466 2 AI 4-20 mA S.E.
Version 1.5.0
Pos: 68 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 2/Anschlussbeispi ele - Überschrift 2 @ 4\mod_1240996036328_21.docx @ 32010 @ 2 @ 1
Connection Examples
Pos: 69 /Serie 753 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Hi nweise zur D okumentati on/Hi nweis zum Z ubehörteil 753-110 @ 20\mod_1411023611789_21.docx @ 163868 @ @ 1
Depiction of the I/O module with 753-110 Plug!
Information on this pluggable connection pertains to the 753-110 Plug, which is
not included with the I/O module.
Pos: 70 /Serie 753 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Anschli eßen/Anschl ussbeispi ele/Anal ogei ngangskl emmen/Anschlussbeispi ele 753- 465, -466 @ 29\mod_1493886481363_21.docx @ 420497 @ 333 @ 1
2-Wire Connection 0 V
For the 2-wire connection 0 V example, an external power supply is required for
the signal conditioner.
Figure 21: 2-Wire Connection 0 V
2-Wire Connection 24 V
For the 2-wire connection 24 V example, the power for the signal conditioner is
supplied from the I/O module directly.
Field supply must be provided!
An additional supply module must be used, which provides 24 V field
supply voltage via the power jumper contacts.